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ETC Ion Syntax


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Hi there folks,


I've just downloaded the offline editor for the ETC Ion to have a little play with it, and I could have sworn this time last year at AC North the nice ETC man invited me to try typing in commands as I would on a 520, with myself and my manager being pleasantly surprised when pressing something along the lines of "Cue/Group 1 Record" worked...


Now I can't seem to get the offline editor to do this- am I imagining things, or is this a feature that has disappeared in an update that has occurred within the last year? (Or is it just a setting that is well hidden?)





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If the Ion is anything like the Congo, it sounds like you are in/want to be in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), have a look in the console settings/help to see if there is an option to change the syntax from/to that, you certainly can on the Congo.


On the Congo it's referred to as AT mode, Buried in the system settings window that you get to on start up. Not sure if this relates to the ION in any way shape or form though!





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According to the manual, here,


The following methods can be used to store presets using [Record]:

• [Record] [Preset] [5] [Label] [name] [Enter] - Records all parameter data for all channels not

at default and adds a label to preset 5.

• [Record] [Preset] [Next] [Enter] - Records data to the next sequential preset number.

• [-] [2] [Record] [Preset] [n] [Enter] - stores the preset, withholding the group or channels


• [Channel list] [Record] [Preset] [6] [Enter] - stores the preset, but only the data for the

channel list supplied.

• [Record] & {Preset 8} - stores the preset to the specified direct select.


In other words, you type "Record preset 1" then it gives you a box to type in a name then you press "Enter".


On the offline editor, you don't have the same keys available as on the board itself, so you'll need to find out the equivalents. The OLE usually has a help file explaining these.

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According to the manual, here,


The following methods can be used to store presets using [Record]:

• [Record] [Preset] [5] [Label] [name] [Enter] - Records all parameter data for all channels not

at default and adds a label to preset 5.

• [Record] [Preset] [Next] [Enter] - Records data to the next sequential preset number.

• [-] [2] [Record] [Preset] [n] [Enter] - stores the preset, withholding the group or channels


• [Channel list] [Record] [Preset] [6] [Enter] - stores the preset, but only the data for the

channel list supplied.

• [Record] & {Preset 8} - stores the preset to the specified direct select.


In other words, you type "Record preset 1" then it gives you a box to type in a name then you press "Enter".


On the offline editor, you don't have the same keys available as on the board itself, so you'll need to find out the equivalents. The OLE usually has a help file explaining these.


But that wasn't the OP question. They wanted to know how to get the desk into Strand logic. You might have more luck with your question here.

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But that wasn't the OP question. They wanted to know how to get the desk into Strand logic. You might have more luck with your question here.

I realise that, but my point was simply that those are the ONLY ways mentioned in the manual (as far as I could see, and I had a good look around, even searching for "At mode" which didn't come up) for recording a cue. However, your suggestion of the ETC forums is an excellent one. The ETC brainboxes techniccal support staff answer questions very quickly on there (though maybe not on a bank holiday!).

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Thanks to those who have replied so far. I am aware of what the manual says about recording cues, groups etc, but as I said, I am sure we typed it how we would have on a Strand console! I have posted the question in the ETC forum, so if I get any replies I shall let you all know!



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That syntax isn't part of Eos/Ion at all - it's similar to the Congo syntax, so it may be some confusion between the two console.

Congo and Eos/Ion syntax are very different - down to the different styles of console programming they use.


Eos/Ion has always been the 'ETC' syntax of "Record Cue 1 Enter", as per Obsession II.


Although it'll basically fill in much of the command line for you if you don't want to type it yourself. <Record> <Next> <Enter> will turn up as "Record Cue (next number) Enter"

(Insert your cue number instead of Next if you want to be specific)


On the other hand, you can do:

<Cue> # <Enter>



To update an existing cue, although it won't create a new one.

(The double-hit of Enter is to confirm that you want to overwrite previous stuff)

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Not at all an answer to the question but if you want to play with something close to the ETC syntax try a Strand in command line mode.


I think you'll find that what the OP did after being invited to "try typing in commands as I would on a 520" was use Strand command line syntax.

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I think you'll find that what the OP did after being invited to "try typing in commands as I would on a 520" was use Strand command line syntax.


The 5x0 does have a 'command line mode' (as opposed to direct 1/2 digit) which is indeed very similar to the Ion syntax - it just involves hitting the enter key a lot more

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that was my first thought when it came to using an ion. im use to a 300. with that I could either "cue # record *" or "record cue # *" I liked that it would do it either way. in is too specific.

Had exactly the same feelings (using the Eos). It doesn't really matter I suppose, but as I'm a Strand user that normally uses CUE # RECORD it is very annoying that a brand new (£10k+) console won't do what a decade old piece of equipment can... Though not quite as annoying as the Eos' sprawling layout (IMHO).



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