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what are these BBC boxes?


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The BBC LS3/5a is still considered one of the best mini-monitors made. Absolutely stunning as hifi speakers.


My Dad used to work for "The Beeb" from the mid sixties through to the nineties. And he has a set of LS3`s on his wall running off a quad 306 amp ( sure he had 303`s back in the seventies?). I have pleaded and grovelled but somehow he just won`t let me have them........


Sorry to swerve off topic.....




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LS3/5as + a 303 is the standard setup.


Apparently the very first LS3/5as which were built by the BBC would be tailored (in what way I don't know) for your room acoustics.


God I sound like I'm middle-aged.

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To continue with the OT, I have a pair of LS5/9s (the 3/5s bigger brother) which we were chucking out......mmm I'll take them to the skip then. All one needed was a patch on the accoustic wadding cover which was flapping and he other needed its bass driver fixed (removal of a small piece of damaged voice coil former). I sprayed both with Trimite structured black. Maybe not 100% but certainly good enough for my studio.


I also heard that certain set-ups were EQd to sound flat with the monitors sitting on the sound desk. The panel vibration was part of the sound.

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Hi Guys,


I love this topic: My 5 eggs:


I used to visit the 'BBC Redundant Plant Store' in Power Rd, Chiswick which used to sell off everything from wiring looms to monitors to Pye video cameras to Coles microphones all for peanuts. I used to come away with all sorts of stuff and had to sneak them into the garage to avoid questions from the other half.


The store closed 5+ years ago and never re-opened (unless anyone knows different..)


Here in Southampton we used to have a 'shop' selling all sorts of ex-militry/ex-govenment electrical/electronic surplus. It was called the 'Forum Store' and was part of the University and was run by a great chap called Roy (no relation). Again, the store closed. Such is life...



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