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I am looking for Audio Training


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I am based in swindon and looking for any free audio training. Im not to sure where to start looking for this, but have heard some companies offer free training programs.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Contact theo.holloway@orbitalsound.co.uk

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D&B audiotecknik offer some free training on acoustics- see www.dbaudio.com

SFL group might still offer some free stuff on digital mixers. They also do a range of courses which cost about £50 and appear to be very much worth it.

Yamaha Commercial Audio are looking to offer some stuff on digital mixing and their contractor range soon.

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As Richardtank suggests, you're asking for a lot, audio, video and lighting. This makes me wonder;

Are you somebody already "in the indutry" looking to top up what you've got, or are you new to this and looking to have a "crash course" in everything? If it's the latter, I'd strongly suggest piking one specialism and getting that sorted first, rather than doing all 3 equally badly. I'm a noiseboy who works followspots occasionally and knows how to hang and cable up a mover. I'm not going to go further into lighting because frankly, there are people out there who can do it better andi'd rather concentrate on what I'm good (ish) at.


That said, you're not going to get much in the way of useful, industry recognised courses for free. The best training you can get however will be working (for free or paid) in as many local theatres as you can get.

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