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slow / jerky movement from acme dynamo 4 head system


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Hi all


My first post here and I am certainly no pro at this....


I have a 4 unit acme dynamo system with a stairville DMX master1 controller, I program scenes in and then create a chase when I run the chase my scanners move in quite jerky steps.


Is this due to the controller as videos on the net of dynamos show a nice steady movement, could it be maybe down to not having an end DMX short (last light has DMX out empty).


If it is my DMX controller what would be a good controller for say £200 if this is even possible.





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IMO, Its the cheap pan and tilt motors (IIRC they're not even stepper's!) coupled with the extra cheap DMX decoding board.


If it is my DMX controller what would be a good controller for say £200 if this is even possible.
The one time I had to use the dam things was off a Pearl 2004.. and someone else I know was using them off a magicQ PC with a proper dongle and in both instances they did as said above, so its not your controller.


Not quite sure why look ok when running off internal programs.. perhaps they're 'tuned' to create an appearance of better smoothness.


Don't think there's going to be a way around your troubles chap.. Sorry!

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It is the lights, the in built programs in the units have all of the stepper motor output values pre calculated for whatever resolution the steppers work at.


The DMX on the other hand, is always jerky for this particular fixture, as it (the fixture) only has about a 6 bit resolution when decoding the DMX and turning it into something the stepper understands.


The videos on the net are of the in built programs. I have found that these are quite nice for Discos and the like.




Well, It looks like there was a bit of a cross post between myself and tokm above.


I have ammended my post with edits in Bold

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It is the lights, the in built programs in the units have all of the stepper motor output values pre calculated for whatever resolution the steppers work at.


The DMX on the other hand, is always jerky, as it only has about a 6 bit resolution.


The videos on the net are of the in built programs. I have found that these are quite nice for Discos and the like.




If you're going to regurgitate other peoples posts... at least get them right!




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