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behringer lighting for dummies


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just purchased an LC2412 Eurolight console. I know NOTHING about lighting. I operate a small video production business and hope to use this product to throw small amounts of light where needed. Is there a document or video located somewhere that breaks down the operation of this product for us dummies? Gene570@yahoo.com. Any help would be appreciated. My first problem is that there is a five pin coming from the light board and the dimmers I purchased DMX-4 chauvet dimmer/relay pack has three pin. Will these work together?
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Here is the link to the LC2412's manual.


Behringer LC2412


As many will tell you (and I'd agree), this manual is a bit confusing at times. The best way to learn this board is to simply set up your system and try things until it does what you want it to. Yes, your dimmer will work with the Behringer board, however you will need to make or purchase an adapter (Male 5 pin, female 3 pin). These aren't too difficult to find. A search on Google will turn up several sources. I usually get mine here.


Hope that helps!


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Or, in a nutshell, make up your own adapter lead and connect pin to pin, ignoring 4 & 5 on the 5-pin end.


Does that make sense? I'm not sure the OP will understand that, knowing little about lighting.


One of the 5 to 3 pin barrels will do the job (make sure you get it the right way round! - I believe you will need the male end to be 5 pin), then you can link the rest of the dimmer packs together with 3 pin XLR Cable.


As for using the desk, you might find it easier to simply use the pre set A channels 1 to 12 to set the lighting state you want, and not bother programming as it does get quite confusing with the LC2412!




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  • 2 weeks later...



I received the 5 to 3 pin adapter for my LC2412 and plugged everything in with both sets of instructions for the dimmer/relay and the LC2412. All I can get as far as hitting the mode button and watching chases occur. How do I get the to 12 presets to control each channel individually that you mentioned? I have 3 chauvet dimmer/relay packs with digital menus on them. Right now I only have one of them plugged in with a 50 ft. 3 pin DMX cable. Nothing I do seems to work. Any sugesstions. I am using normal incandescent fixtures. They are not DMX controlled. Just white light (PARS) with edison plugs. Any help would be greatly appreciated....


Thank you..

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Hi I am not sure if I am understanding correctly so sorry if this does not help.


Firstly (to save having to soft patch the desk and for simplicity) set the dimmer to start at DMX channel 1.


Put the desk into preset mode (assuming you don't want to use memories at this stage) by pressing the up or down key until you get P displayed on the little lcd display.


In this mode both sets of faders will control channels 1-12. The top half is called A and the bottom B. So, to use the top half push the 'master' slider up to full and 'A' slider to full. Now pushing up sliders 1 - however many channels the dimmer is, should control each light on the dimmer.


You can now setup your second scene on the B section and when you want to change pull down 'A' whilst pushing up 'B'.


If this helps and you need more info feel free to pm me.




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Hello Gene

I suspect that you may have your dimmer pack(s) set to some sort of chase. If they are anything like mine, there is a mode button which you use to set the pack to DMX, then a couple of buttons with up and down arrows which you use to set the start address. Good luck

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I'll second that, press the 'mode' button 'till you see the letter 'A' and 3 digits. I would suggest setting A:001 This will then correspond with channel 1 on the desk...


You can then set the other dimmer packs to the same address (A:001) if you want channel 1 to control channel 1 on all 3 packs or set the second pack to A:005 and the thrid to A:009, giving you 12 channles of dimming.


Let us know how you get on!



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OK...I cleared the memory on this LC2412...5 pin male to 3 pin female apadter pluged in the back.....50 foot dmw cable (XLR) going into chauvet dimmer/relay pack (DMX-4) metalic box. 3 wire (male XLR) going into dimmer pack....only one dimmer connected right now.....dimmer set to A-001...went to the letter "P" ...it flashes and then ch flash button lights up....green lights on bottom of board light up when either fadder (A or B) is fadded up. Both masterfader and A& B faders are fully up....green lights on display intensify as I fade all the way up. Still can not get a fixture to illuminate unless I switch dimmer using the mode button to chase. What am I doing wrong here???????? What is "s-1" thru "S-4" setting on/off for?


I have never had this amount od difficuly, but reading online I see I am not alone here on this one......is something broken or am I broken????

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Sounds like the desk is working as advertised. Just to check that I understand you correctly; you've got the A and B masters all the way up, the Main master all the way up and all the channel faders all the way up (ok, I get that you don't need all of them but it can't hurt). Check that the x-fade is set to zero, that's the fader second from the right, (I'm sure it's not a long x-fade masking it but it's good practice to leave the crossfade time on zero unless you have a reason not to).


As far as the dimmers go, check that you've got it set to CH-04 so the channels work independently. The S1-S4 allow you to use it as a switch pack. you can set each channel to either continuously dim or just switch on and off. You want to set it to dim so the S modes should be oF.


Try terminating the DMX connection using a plug in terminator that you can get online.


Actually, this is a crazy thought, you mention that there is a male XLR going into the dimmer. Is this correct? I don't have any gear on me ATM but I could have sworn you put the female end of the cable into the dimmer. If you've somehow managed to get it the wrong way (plugged into the THRU or out connector) the DMX signal will be screwed because the signal lines will be reversed.



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I don't know the correct terms here so I am sure someone else will translate this for me.


I bought some cheap dimmers and mine just didn't respond to DMX, turned out that the DMX in them was not standard and I needed to, reverse the polarity? (correct me if thats the wrong term), basically swap 2 of the pins over. May be worth checking the DMX diagram for the dimmer with the one for the desk to see if they are the same or if any pins are reversed. Mine have a simple diagram in the user guide.


Benash, I think you are correct and it is supposed to be female in. I could alse be mistaken as I also have no equipment with me.



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Where are you in the country? The easiest option might well be to see if a kind Blue Room member might spare half an hour of his/her time to help you out in exchange for a pint.


To be honest it could be any number of things causing you grief. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you've fallen foul of one of the Behringer's 'quirks' but it could equally be a duff lead, broken dimmer or something completely different.


DMX inputs are male so the cable should have a female end going into the dimmer.

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I bought some cheap dimmers and mine just didn't respond to DMX, turned out that the DMX in them was not standard and I needed to, reverse the polarity? (correct me if thats the wrong term), basically swap 2 of the pins over. May be worth checking the DMX diagram for the dimmer with the one for the desk to see if they are the same...


I was thinking the same thing. According to the manuals for the desk and dimmers they are the same pinout.

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