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Strand T84 servicing

Paul C

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Doing some lighting for local village hall amdram - budget almost zero

Have sorted out 12 ch analogue plus some lanterns now

One T84 has moving lens missing but have lens almost right size

I can make it fit lens holder but can anyone describe how to get sliding lens holder out?


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Hi, Im not sure whether this is the answer you want to hear but, You can take the entire lid off a t84 and take out/replace both lenses without the need of removing the whole assembly.


However I THINK that there is just 4 screws on the front of the lantern that when removed, allow the entire lens assembly to slide out (you will have to completely undo the focusing knobs from the bottom of the lantern)


I MAY however be confusing that suggestion with a prelude, im not sure now! :)





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I've not opened an 84 up in a while, but if memory serves... you should be able to open the main body up and take the whole lot out!!





I didn't really explain properly, the lens I have is larger diameter so I need to remove the guides and reposition them further apart so I need the holder out completely to drill out the rivets etc

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errrrm - that might mean that the lens is a different focal length and so will make the lantern behave very strangely.


Before you start drilling, I would call Usedlighting and see if they have lenses about in a 'salvage' bin...

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errrrm - that might mean that the lens is a different focal length and so will make the lantern behave very strangely.


Before you start drilling, I would call Usedlighting and see if they have lenses about in a 'salvage' bin...


Good idea - I'll give them a try



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