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Audio Interfaces

Tony Gayle Audio

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I've got a PreSonus Firepod which I'm pretty sure is the same thing? What did you want to know about it?


I use mine as the 8-ch audio interface for EASERA SysTune along with a handful of cheap Behringer ECM8000 RTA mics. Does the job, no greif at all.

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20 channels even at 44.1/16 will be laggy. Running 12 channels down USB at the same quality (as I do frequently) is bad enough. I would look for a Firewire device, it frees up a usable amount of processor as well.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to drag an old topic out from the dead, but I thought it might be worth adding one other option - I have an M-Audio Lightbridge personally, which is a 32-in, 32-out ADAT FireWire card (plus a couple of SPDIF and MIDI etc) - for around £230 on the high street (I can't remember exactly what I paid for mine).


If I need analog outputs I hook it up to Behringer ADA8000s, but luckily for the most part I can run it directly over ADAT from an LS9 using MY-AT16 cards.


Depending on your application this might be a cheaper may to go for the higher channel numbers.


(I use mine mostly for large scale multitrack playback, rather than recording.)

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Yeah, that's how I operate except I have a DM1000 instead of an LS9. It works well and has been pressed into service both for recording and for multichannel playback on some shows.


If you have an ADAT-capable digital mixer it's certainly an economical way of getting a lot of tracks in and out of a computer.


One thing to say is that the ADA8000 boxes are great value for money but can be a bit noisy, especially if you have to crank up the mic pre-amps. I use them for the "non money channels" for live work but stick to better mic pre-amps for recording duties.



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I absolutely agree - the mic pres on them can be quite nasty, all I use them for is recording voiceovers and show calls. My setup is for effects / ambiance playback for theatre, so I'm using 32 out rather than in. Luckily the line-level outputs seem to be a bit better than the inputs.


It's just worth a mention if you have ADAT capabilities anywhere in the setup.

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