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Sennheiser copy or not?


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Hi Iv just won a auction for a "Sennheiser" Wireless Mic System..


Now Im a little unsure if its a genuine one or not by looking at the Photos and description now..


Iv not paid for it yet ,, Heres why Im worried..




1) Firstly the receiver is described to be an EM100 G2 , But iv got 4 EM100G2 and they are differant to the one pictured , Mine has a purple front , Has an XLR and data port on back.

The Jack output on the EBAY one has "MIX" on it ???? mine does not.


2) The front of the EBAY receiver is grey(like an old original EM100 , not purple like mine

The buttons look cheap and shiny and not like mine


3) The output voltage printed on the back is differant from mine...








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The receiver looks like the old model EW100 rather than the G2 version.


I have a few of these and the mix out on the back sounds right.


Andy :)


Hi Andy ,


If you look at the printed lable on the back of the receiver it says its an EM100 G2... weird eh ??


Plus Iv got one old EM100 reciver (not the G2) and it says AF out , Bal/Unbal..... NOT Mix??


Im confused and a bit worried too.

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This does indeed look like a "legit" Sennheiser system.


You're also very lucky to have got one of the nice old ones - as opposed to the new ones with the display that periodically flashes red as it loses RF!!! (is that EVER a good idea on entertainment equipment?!)

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This does indeed look like a "legit" Sennheiser system.


You're also very lucky to have got one of the nice old ones - as opposed to the new ones with the display that periodically flashes red as it loses RF!!! (is that EVER a good idea on entertainment equipment?!)

Im just worried the lable says EM100 G2 ,, But it looks like one of the older Em100`s?

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This does indeed look like a "legit" Sennheiser system.


You're also very lucky to have got one of the nice old ones - as opposed to the new ones with the display that periodically flashes red as it loses RF!!! (is that EVER a good idea on entertainment equipment?!)

Im just worried the lable says EM100 G2 ,, But it looks like one of the older Em100`s?





This is a em100, not g2 though.

I may be a bit wary, he says he has included manual, but this is g2, also, why has it got a g2 label on the back?

The Identification number on this one is 90853, the Identification number on mine is 90855.


Unless its a very early g2 with the old jack output and af level switch and black band on the front, instead of XLR and purple?

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Thats my worry too John ...


I think Ill avoid paying for this item until monday , Ill ring someone at Sennheiser to see if they can put my mind to rest .... Is there anyone from Sennheiser on this forum ???



The receiver in the picture is most definitely not G2, despite what it says on the label. G2 receivers do not have an AF level control on the back for one thing. My advice would be: avoid.


Note also the frequency range is given as 740 - 776MHz. This range is only useable on site specific co-ordinated licences in the UK.

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Mine, the voltage (as mentioned) is different as well.

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Thats my worry too John ...


I think Ill avoid paying for this item until monday , Ill ring someone at Sennheiser to see if they can put my mind to rest .... Is there anyone from Sennheiser on this forum ???


just found this thread too ??? :** laughs out loud **: ooo dear !!


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Have a look at the holes on the bottom where the Sennheiser rack adaptor screws on. I bought a copy by mistake, and discovered that the copy did not have threaded holes, the real ones do!


Hi Paul ,


Iv not yet got or paid for it .. I won it in it today... Im worried though , Its looking like Iv bought a copy.... Hopefully Ebay will allow me to cancel it if it is...


On the eveidence what do you think Paul ? I know your an experianced Sennheiser user ...




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