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LEDJ Specta bank-8


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Hi Guys


I want to add some eye candy to my shows and have seen Battons used both horizontally and vertically on stage


Does anyone have experience with LEDJ products. How well are they constructed, how reliable are the LEDs, how close are the LEDs in colour. These units are not cheap at £350 but certainly are not as expensive as chroma strip and colour block etc at over a grand each.



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The RGB mix isnt as good as the higher end products , but for eye candy and highlighting of set etc I think they're great.


Ive got a load of LEDj PAR 64 led cans and some batterns and I love them. The batterns are good - when used with diffusion- for adding some light onto cloths or simply uplighting walls or bolted on at all angles onto steeldeck.


More is better on these I think!! - and you can certainly get a good wow effect going

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