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martin mini mack repair


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hey all, I have 2 dead, well not dead but not working mini macs, I have looked every where for info on fixing them but im getting no where fast.


dose any one have a copy of a repair guide, scmatics, anythink that would help at all would be really good.


I love these fixtures and really want to get them going again.


thanks in advance.


mark :)

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Whats a mini mack? :)


There is a 100 million things that might be wrong.


  • What model?
  • Age (The light not you!)
  • What seems to be the problem?
  • Are you able to run a test function on them?
  • What level of moving light knowledge do you have?
  • Where are you based?
  • Are you using them through DMX or stand-alone?
  • If DMX, have you terminated them?
  • Do they self correct when moved?
  • Are there any errors on the display?
  • Hows the pan & tilt?



It could be anything from a busted motor to a shorted loom. Open the head to start with, give it a good clean then let us know what symptons you have.





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Whats a mini mack? :)


There is a 100 million things that might be wrong.


  • What model?
  • Age (The light not you!)
  • What seems to be the problem?
  • Are you able to run a test function on them?
  • What level of moving light knowledge do you have?
  • Where are you based?
  • Are you using them through DMX or stand-alone?
  • If DMX, have you terminated them?
  • Do they self correct when moved?
  • Are there any errors on the display?
  • Hows the pan & tilt?



It could be anything from a busted motor to a shorted loom. Open the head to start with, give it a good clean then let us know what symptons you have.






Mini Mac's don't self correct - so ignore that one!

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Thanks for the reply; I know a school boy error with the extra K,


  • it’s the profile
  • to tell the truth I don’t know, old, there is 2 I am trying to fix, inside it, on the top circuit board, one has blue things into the board, and one has blue, if that helps?
  • The problem, I all the wires inside were out, but I have sorted that, I found the info on the lid where the display is. Now I have it turning on and kind of resisting, but it won’t tilt, and on the display it flashes with TLE.
  • ,
  • Well I have a very basic knowledge of moving heads, but I have had martin roboscans 518 and 812, that have had stuff go wrong and I have had a fiddle and worked out what is up.
  • I am in Newcastle, I’m a dare I say it? Student, but I live in the Scottish borders.
  • Not at the DMX stage yet.

Hope I have answered everything?


Thanks very much for the reply J




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ok ann update...


on the head part there is 2 main wires that go into it, and they go into a large ish wight box, near the fan, what is that? as 1 of them is cut where the arm meats the head?


also the tilt, the 4 small black wires that go into the stepper mota, are all a bit slack.


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also what it the round tube at the back right hand side? its sliver/white? it only has 2 wires goin out of the the top PCB, dose it matter what way arounf they go? as they are identacal?



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Oops :) I thought they did self correct!



Largish white box? Sounds like an igniter for the lamp, thats on the right hand side of the bulb (Should be a sealed area) So if that's cut and your lamp doesn't work that could be why.




  • TLE - If my memory serves me is a Tilt Error.......
  • Never seen inside the arm before so im not sure about the slack on the tilt motor cables
  • Im not sure about this "round white tube" on the back right side

By a tube do you mean cables shielded in a black tape material that looks like a tube/pipe?



If you can take pics and use paint to point to things that would help.


If you use MSN, PM me your details and I'll maybe be a bit more help on there


I was due to be in Newcastle next week so I could have stopped by and taken a look!



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TLE = Tilt Error, which is probably related it may be the way you wired it up, something in the wrong place etc.

It could also be a PCB chip gone,

It could also be the stepper motor,

It could also be another 100 things,


The white box is definately the ignitor, which enables the lamp to work. If the ignitor isn't working, then the lamp won't work either.


Best bet is to find your local martin dealer/serviceman and get them to look at it. If you keep fiddling when you don't know what things do, the likelyhood is that you'll break something somewhere along the line.


You really need to concentrate on SPAG, some of your spelling needs to be sorted and some of it makes no sense.


If you do have MSN, then feel free to PM me for my address and we can chat on there and hopefully solve the issue.l

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