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community centre PA system


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I volunteer at a local community centre and have been given the job of sorting out a PA system.


The equipment we have so far is:-


12 x 20w speakers (I can confirm model number later)

wired & wireless mics



What I need to know is what kind of amp to use to power these speakers and how to wire up the speakers correctly?



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12 x 20w speakers (I can confirm model number later)
What I need to know is what kind of amp to use to power these speakers and how to wire up the speakers correctly?
Don't think anyone can help with the latter, till we know the former. So the quicker you get that, the quicker someone will be able to give you an answer.


In a community centre and with that number of speakers, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't some sort of 100v line system.. but we'll see.



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We need a little more information to confirm, but I suspect given the quantity and the wattage that these 100v line speakers. If you look at one closely you should see a stepped 'volume' control. (It might just be a slot head pot with the head visible in a small hole that you can turn with a screwdriver.) The wiring and amp is quite different if it is 100v line.




Edit: Ah. Beaten to it by tokm!

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