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Jands Event 416 - Sound to Light


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Anyone any idea if this is possible out of the box, I have a show touring to a venue with a 416 and it is kind of an essential part of the show.

Do I need an outboard DMX box thingy to do the trick.


Any help greatly appreciated



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Anyone any idea if this is possible out of the box, I have a show touring to a venue with a 416 and it is kind of an essential part of the show.

Do I need an outboard DMX box thingy to do the trick.


Any help greatly appreciated




The Event 4 series do not have on board sound to light functionality. You would need to use some kind of external device. Somebody else on here may have a better idea if they have done it before. Personally I don't use sound to light so I cannot help much on the type of external device you would need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't those four-way traffic light things from Maplins (and previously Tandy), stock in trade of the mobile disco, do it then? :blink: :blink:

There must be something to do this, even if it's just taking off from some EQ meter, given that you can even get ChavLEDs™ from Halfords that have sections that flash according to bass-mid-treble. Be shocked if there weren't pro systems to do this.

(OTOH if you have video projection, just get something like the WMP / Winamp / etc visualiser to pipe it thru a PC then on to the projector)


Mind you back when I worked the bar at a nightclub the DJ's light guy seemed to make quite a good impression of having done this just by programming his board with several different patterns then altering the tempo for each tune and flicking between them at verse/chorus points. Probably wouldn't notice when dancing but I saw the thing close up a few times and over a couple of years the patterns did get a bit familiar when viewed from 30ft away and occasionally slipped :blink: So if you can program a sequence that fits moderately well to a number of tunes (hint: find out which ones can be successfully mashed up with "Billie Jean" B-)) you might not need the additional kit.

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