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Roboscan 218MkII resetting


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I have just got my hands on a set of 2 MkIIs, 3 of which work fine. The 4th is also ok, as long as the DMX address is set in the range 0-63.

However, as soon as bits 7, 8 or 9 are set ON (without or without the lower significant bits), the unit either


I) no longer responds to DMX input

ii) continually performs its reset function, recalibrating its steppers, etc.


This isn't a massive issue, since I have repatched the 218s lower in my universe, but would like to determine the cause and fix is possible. I have cleaned and checked the function of the (10-switch) DIP, and all seems to be ok with it.


Has this ever happened to anyone else? fyi, the EPROM is marked at v1.2, the other 3 are a mixture of 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 (for some reason).




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