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Hi guys,


Bit of a strange question, but some of you might be able to help. My 1 year old son has a habit of turning up my hifi amp volume when it is on, if Im lucky he turns it down if not he will clumsily turn it up loud and im worried about the speakers getting damaged!


When Im at home I can quickly react to it but my other half does not seem that bothered so when im at work my speakers could be getting fried!! :P


Is there a limiter of some sorts I can put in between the amp and speakers??


Thanks in advance! Ollie

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Errm, unplug it when you're not in? :P


Just kidding, Hifi kit is not really our thing, but I have had a quick google and couldn't really find anything out there.


Maybe KevinE or some of the other electonics guys will be along shortly?

It may mean you either have to make something involving resistors and pots or putting some kind of physical barrier in the way.

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I think Ollie needs the option to be able to turn the speakers louder as and when needed.

A fuse would protect to a limit, but the speakers will still be subject to some hammer initially.


I'm by no means an expert but I'm sure he could put a pot inline, I will leave values to someone else!

This may be crude but it would work. (I think? :P )


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Just a thought, this may be useful?

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Without knowing the details of the system it's hard to tell.


If you have a separate pre amp and power amp and the power amp is just a block (or pair) at unity gain then the simplest thing to do is put a compressor inline between the pre and the poweramp. You'd have to keep the compressor out of the way, but it shouldn't be too difficult. I know someone with a nice Drawmer LX20 for sale :P


If it's not a separate pre and power amp, or heaven forbid it's an all in one system then there's little more you can do without effecting the sound too much.


You could put some form of resistance in after the amp but then you'll be giving you amp more to do to get the same volume, and you'd need fairly hefty resistors. The inline fuse maywell be the best way. Or some form of modified MCB so you're not replacing them all the time.


The problem comes with your own listening. See, if you set a fuse type effort at a set level, then you have to get it right. It has to be a level that you're never going to reach, not even momentarily. The problem comes when you do get it turned up that it really then has to be quite loud before anything happens.


It'd not easy really.


If it's a separates system but with an integrated amp then you could put attenuation on each of the sources before the amp, but this may colour the sound.




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Thanks for all responses!


haha no not an all in one system, gosh no! :blink: Nothing fancy either - Its a Cambridge Audio amp running two EV S-40 compact monitor speakers. Source equipment is a Cambridge Audio DVD player, Sony CD player, Thorens turntable (with pre amp) Akai reel to reel and Akai 8 track.


I have been looking at the speakers tonight and they can handle 150w, the amp pushes out 50w per ch, I think. So I might be ok...?


Sorry its a domestic question but appreiciate your comments, unfortunatly even though I have considered moving the amp I have no where to put it, her in doors already moans about my hifi.. :P


I will look into a volume pot which I could limit the output of the amp to the speakers - when I want to use it I could bypass the volume pot to allow the amps output to travel to the speakers.





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As proud owner of a 4 year old who loves to play with my stereo (not to mention the motorised faders on my DM1000), I support the adoption suggestion.


However, since this topic isn't really to do with professional audio (and Rob Beech has given a pretty definitive answer anyway) I think it's time to close this.



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