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Martin Mac 250 (goer)


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Ok, well I recently got a pair of Martin mac 250's, 1 is working perfectly, and the other is now displaying me an error of ''go er'' I take it this means Gobo Error.


Basically, when I run it through a test sequence, I get 2 halves of a gobo rather than 1 whole gobo projected.


Also, another thing is that the Shutter isn't working properly (only one half of the shutter opens, the other stays the same).


If anyone knows what this might be, and how to fix it. Please let me know A.S.A.P


Thanks a lot

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This has been covered lots of times before, a simple search of goer in the search box will bring up at least 2 options from the past 2 or 3 months where this has been asked and answered.


Please search then ask what is not answered on that thread.

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If the Mac250 with the shutter issue isnt showing an error code I would more than likely say the stepper motor has 'worn out' in it.


If you try and turn the shutter blades by hand, the one that will not open, is it harder to move than the other one? If yes then a new stepper is needed. I have had to just change almost 8 of these on our 250s (KR version).


As for GOER, the PCB with the magnetic pickup is prone to getting 'dry joints'. Alternativly the wiresets can get caught and break. I would reccomend getting someone who knows that they're doing to have a look at them, they will be able to tell you whats wrong with them quickly and hopefully fix it.

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I'll have a look at the shutter problem because if it does need a new stepper then I know where to get one.


With the GOER error, I'm going to get someone to have a look at it for me very soon,


Thanks for all the help

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