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Stagepas 500 PSU fault...


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Hi there


I'm told a user of our Stagepas 500 managed to drop the mixer/amp unit off a table during setup and it's not worked since.


In the office I've taken the unit apart and having checked for obvious broken tracks, detached cables/components and the like, I still have a unit that will not power up. Instead I get a feint "ticking" sound from the PSU board, once every 1/2 second or so - with no LED or other output activity. The PSU board does the same even without any other boards connected to it.


Aside from the obvious "refer to someone who knows" comments - anyone here have experience of these boards who can guide me as to what might have gone wrong?


BTW, I've established that a replacement PSU board from Yamaha would not make financial sense - though they don't sell replacement mixer/amplifier modules for this system without the speakers, which seems a bit daft! I'm sounding them out on repairing the board to see what can be done - but if there's a quicker-fix I can check and do myself that would be preferable!

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I'm afraid if it's been dropped then the fault could be anything..though most likely physical. Look around the heaviest components (eg switching choke) for hairline cracks on the board. You may need a magnifying glass to see these without considerable experience.


Dont let the PSU carry on ticking like that, it's in protect mode and may go bang.

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Thank you... negotiations ongoing with Yamaha as I really cannot see what the fault is!


Meanwhile - does anyone know of somewhere I could buy ONLY a replacement Stagepas 500 mixer/amp unit, seeing how Yamaha won't sell me one without speakers that I don't need?

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But the amplifier module is part of the speaker...you've got a powered speaker here! You will probably find that most of the cost of the outfit is in this part so even if Yam would agree to sell you a module, it probably wouldn't be worth it.


Most engineers will simply repair the module to component level.

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See what you're saying in a sense, but:


The mixer/amp unit is quite separate from the speakers. It's able to be table or stand-mounted (with an additional mic stand adaptor, purchased separately), as shown here.




(image courtesy of DV247 as I happened to be looking at their site at the time of posting)


So it is at least *able* to be available as a separate unit, even if management decide that's not an option!

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Oh sorry, I see. The ones I've seen all have that little mixer installed into a recess in the back of one of the speakers then the other speaker plugs into that as well as a sort of slave.


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Okay Killyp, I'll bite (despite this being a little off-topic)...


...what do you mean by this?


With our Stagepas500 the only bundled cables I remember getting were a mains lead, and two short speaker cables...


So are you saying that the speaker cables supplied with yours were actually wired with the tip at one end to the sleeve at the other, and vice-versa? Or that the mains cable had its live and neutral cables swapped at one end? Or that one speaker cable was wired correctly, and that the other was not?


Sounds so very strange and I'm confused! Further, if this were a common problem then I'm surprised more (myself included) haven't noticed! That said, I did replace the short speaker cables with some longer ones before I sent the kit out on its first job, but still!

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