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Small format mixer choice


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I am just about to purchase a new mixer and had pretty much decided to get an A&H Zed420, however I am wondering if the additional money to buy a Mackie Onyx 24-4 could be justified.


I have been using an Onyx 1620 for small scale events pretty much since they were released and I have been very impressed with its build quality and more importantly the quality of its mic pre's which really are about as clean as I have heard other than on top end stuff.


I do mainly Tribute and Cover bands and I have a very high quality speaker/amp set-up so sound quality is of paramount importance but please no mention of Midas etc. which I could not justify.


Any suggestions/opinions would be very welcome.



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from what I can read about the Onyx desks, the circuit boards are modular for every 8 channels, whereas the Zed has a circuit board for every channel. I personally don't have a lot of faith in the build quality of Mackie desks after my experiences with a D8B.
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Do you need the USB facility?


Frankly, if sound quality is the deciding factor, I wouldn't go to the Mackie. It's a personal thing, but I find even the Zed series to be a nicer, warmer sound than the rather cold and clinical Mackie. I've also had much better luck over the years with the build quality of the A&H compared to Mackie which I've had a lot of bad luck with. In the UK at least, after sales support is FAR better for A&H than it is for Mackie...and the board will hold value better too.


However, if you don't need the USB interface, the mixer that I WOULD consider spending the extra on would be the A&H GL2400-16. It's in the same price range as the Mackie but a different league for sound quality.



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OK thanks for the input, I had overlooked the GL's. Going to get a Demo.




I've owned a two mackie things over the last few years, a cfx mixer and a pair of sr1530 speakers.


one of the speakers broke (luckily within the warranty) and the mixer started having channels drop in and out a week

before an important gig.so personally I would have to say I've not been impressed with the build quality of Mackie stuff at all so

I would go with another option.

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