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DMX foot controller ok for me? (SCX-101)


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Hi, this is my first post. (and sorry, english is not my primary language...)


I'm a musician since 20 years but barely new to DMX lightning. I play in a band (bassist) and I would like to control the light by myself. We usually play in small club. I only want a simple control over the lights (all scene RED, all BLUE,... black out, simple chase,...).


We use lights designed by a friend. It's an all LED box (10" x 18"), 120 RGB LED with an integrated DMX board (3 DMX # adress). Kind of «wash» thing, cause the viewing angle of LED is 120. (I can post somes pics if you want...). (Similar to http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.com/produ...ture?sku=482129 )


Do I am ok with the SCX-101 DMX foot controller? Anyone use this controller?






JB (Montreal-Canada)

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Can't say that I've used this thing but a quick scan of the manual looks like it should probably do the job. At a guess you'd run it in scene mode (rather than pattern or channel). Perhaps have some really saturated colours on one page and more subtle tones on another and then use the chase function to mix it up a bit. If you can find one instore it might pay to take along one of your lights and try it before you buy.


Good luck.

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Hi, this is my first post. (and sorry, english is not my primary language...)












JB (Montreal-Canada)



Hello, and welcome to the Blue Room!


Unfortunately I cannot answer your question, and normally I would stay out of a topic I can not contribute to.


However after reading your post, I could not help but jump in....


You say that English is not your primary language, but I shall say that your English is far better then a lot of Students studying GCSE English that post on here regularly!!!!!


I do hope that your post of this quality garners a lot of useful, informative replies.


I also hope that many of our members under the age of 18 read it and learn something themselves!



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