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Palette patch issues


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We have a new Palette classic and have recently been trained on it with strand, but now have a few problems with it espescially when it comes to patching. For some reason no matter what we do the board doesn't seem to want to add a new fixture. We are running just two mac250's, 2 mac 300's, a jem fogger and 100 generics through the board. We have checked that the universes are enabled and that the fixture is on the library but when we go to add a new fixture - even dimmer the board won't take it. We have even tried importing the fixtures from previous patches but still nothing. Any ideas?


Thanks, Murray

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Hi mate,

Got a fair bit of experience with palette's, considering I'm on my 5th desk after so many having fauls and failing!!

If you could please provide me with a step by step guide to what you have been trying so far to get them to work, I'll see if I can spot anythign wrong with what you are doing and try and help if I can!

I.E Are you getting any DMX signal from your dimmers, are you using power patch or patching manually etc?



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Hi steve,


Well it would appear its not just us with palette issues then - this is our 2nd board from strand as the previous palette was naff. Once we have a new show file open we go to patch and power patch the dimmer channels in (for our generics) the board accepts this fine. However when we come to patch in our intelligents the board has none of it - we get the fixture library up and select the fixture we wish to add whilst on the patch output/fixture. The board just won't input it into a channel. We have 200dmx channels liscenced to us and are only running 96 dimmer channels so have plenty of circuits left. I have checked the patch proxy to check that the A and B outputs are enabled and have also checked when patching that we have updated the universe so B 100 would be 2.100 (612) but still no output. We are using new DMX leads which we have tested and there is no fault - and the macs work fine through another board. We have a training file which someone from strand set up and the intelligents worked off that. With this in mind we have re addressed the macs to how they are patched for this file - but still we get no output. Occasionally the board gives us an output after being restarted and the training file re opened but again once we power down and fire the board up again we are back to square one. I have also checked the software and upgraded it to the newest available and checked the hardware set up to see if there is anything missing. Strand have taken the other palette we are using from our other venue as it is faulty but we have been told that this one should be fine. Its really begining to tick me off - to the point of I'm thinking of reinstating the frog 2. Im guessing you have had similar faults with the amount of crashes/ malfunctions with your palettes if your on your 5th. Do you have any ideas?


Thanks, Murray

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To the Original poster, have you checked that you have not gone over your allocated amount of licensed channels? Muzz26 - you have me stumped! - Try giving 'Amber Tomlin' a call at strand. If you cannot get hole of her through the main number then give me a PM and I will give you her mobile. She is the training person at strand and always manages to solve my COUNTLESS issues with that poor excuse of a desk!
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I'm sorry that you are having so much trouble. We have a development forum that the entire software team has access too and we would be more than happy to help if we can.




Please post any issues there and we will do our best to help.

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