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Hi all, I'm currently in the process of Designing LX for a show in Norwich called 'Back To The 80's' and there is a lightsaber fight in it and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in either buying or making lightsabers that are usable to fight with and light up??


Sorry if I have posted in the wrong place

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They used to sell lightsabers as toys.


They would fling out and light up...I used to have them to fight with my friends :** laughs out loud **:





These are battery operated and are available from quite a few places.



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good question, I was sat thinking about this for a show I did a few months ago. I went down a few roots trying to do it, the problem I had was not the lighting issue but infact the cable issue.


I tried versa tube and stealth and such things, even a flurecent tube (for fun and it just smashed as we expected)


The answer I came up with was the LED lights things similar to what JML sell. I made a couple of them using white and lue LED's stuck then at the top and the bottom some clear plastic tube I bought and hey presto one lightsaber.


Granted it didnt look like it was straight from starwars but it looked pritty cool when they started in the dark and then had delayed slow white beams from my 250's shooting all over the place.


Then once it had been edited in Adobe After Effects it did look like the real thing ** laughs out loud **



I hope this helps


If you need anymore info or ewt pm me



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There's several versions of the retail lightsabres. The best ones are about £100-£250 and look the part and the blade is durable plastic but lights up like a flourescent tube - really effective in the dark.


We went to a fancy dress party a while back, and Darth Vader turned up as well as Obi Wan; Obi Wan suffered severe 'Sabre envy as he had the cheap telescopic version while Vader had the £100 one. They both looked good when being swung around in the garden. (The duel was going well until Vader had to go to the loo..)

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Thinkgeek seems to have some nice ones:


Hope that helps...



That one makes sound so you may want to disable the internal speaker.


They also have a version without sound and with detachable colored blades, more expensive though:



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Went to Legoland for their star wars themed fireworks with the kids last year & they were selling what I think were called light wands which were a fixed tube. They are constructed of a soldered ladder of parallel LED in a tube (had to take one apart when my 3 year old whacked it across a door & it failed - easy solder fix back on the switch - I was a hero for fixing it) . They are incredibly bright especially in the dark & with a few thousand being waved around very impressive!!
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