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Panto wages


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Hi all. I've been a pro in the industry a while but never worked a panto before. I've been offered a C.S.M. position in a regional theatre for their panto this year. At the interview I was told the wage would be the standard T.M.A./Equity with the additions for the extra shows. I can't seem to find the info about the extras on either the T.M.A. or Equity websites. It's a standard 3.5 week rehearsal and then 12 shows a week. Any ideas anyone? Cheers. G x
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Sorry Timmy, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. I don't think the rate card answers the question - I think you need the Equity / TMA sub rep agreement, pages relating to overtime rates..


from memory, each performance above the usual 8 per week attracts a payment of an extra eighth of the weekly wage - e.g if weekly wage for 8 shows or less = £400, then 9 shows would be £450, 10 shows would be £500, etc


It's a while since I did any stage management work or read the equity rule book, so things may have changed, but that is where to look for the information. Equity should be able to supply any member with a copy.


(NB "£400" chosen as weekly wage for ease of arithmatic - not because I think that's what a CSM gets paid)

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  • 3 months later...

Zion - those rates don't apply for this job - it is not hourly paid.


Depends a bit on who you work for, but the TMA/Equity rate is the one that will apply, and I suspect you'd be offered a price for the job. No set hours, on a do your best contract if you're new to the production company. No overtime, no extras itemised - just a single price for the period. You can expect this to be rolled up to include extra for holidays/bank holiday working and subsistence - as per the agreements.


Probably worth noting that nowadays there is nothing 'standard' about panto contracts - so in the old show must go on manner, you will probably have to make your own job description up. You can be a turn doing on the side management, or a technical manager doing luvvy liason, or however it works to get the job done.


If you haven't done panto in this capacity before, it's worth remembering that the elf of safety is your job too. Last year I ended up on stage, as understudy for a couple of very minor parts simply because it was the best way to solve a problem.


Things to watch out for are end dates. Are you expected to see the show out, or will that be a production carpenters role - you handing over the out to him? If you are expected to stay, then there is usually a negotiated fee for covering this 'extra'.


Depending on your previous history with the company, they may pay you weekly, deducting NI and PAYE, or if you are VAT registered, you may have to invoice them for the full contract value, plus VAT and then they will pay you weekly until the balance is zero. In this case, you'll probably not have deductions, and you won't be PAYE'd at all - same as the key artistes.


Not sure if you're aware, but it's also quite common to have company petty cash paid into your bank account, rather than set up a remote cash withdrawal facility at a local bank.


You'll also probably find that you actually get two roles really - Company Manager and Company Stage Manager often get combined, so contract says CSM, but your role is CM.


I've only done one show as CSM when there was a CM - about 6 years ago. Since then, I've done both.

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