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Just a couple of quick questions....




Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?





And Lastly...





Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.




(I'm attempting to collate data for my final year project For my degree on noise induced stress and I would really apprieciate any feedback on the above questions).





P.s. if you could leave your age and proffesion with your answers that would be apprieciated too.















University of Derby.

Sound, Light and Live Event Technology


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Just a couple of quick questions....

Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?

Yes, trying to hang a projector whilst a happy hardcore night was testing. Noone in the room, they were absolutley hammering the PA, even with earplugs in it was horrific. Awful music anyway. I decided I don't get paid enough for this, and decided to do it later.


Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.

Not really, but I do notice that whenever DJ's are warming up (especially drum and bass/faster music) I tend to get more stressed. Whether this is related to the music or just the fact I know a night is starting soon I don't know.


P.s. if you could leave your age and proffesion with your answers that would be apprieciated too.


21, Production Technician

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Has there ever been a time that you’ve left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?


Yes quite a few times. The sound would be a bad mix. Can't bear not being able to do something about it myself. Sometimes it's just that it's too loud (in an inappopriate way like mixing Guys and Dolls at rock concert levels) or that certain frequencies are too loud and hurting my ears (bad use of EQ) but often the overall level is fine but the mix is wrong (e.g. too much band and not enough vocals or vice versa). I've reached the stage of thinking "why continue when it's stressing me" and leaving quietly through a door at the back!


Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn’t consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.


As above.

Also sounds in general that have obnoxious frequency peaks like pneumatic drills and suchlike. I'm always looking for the EQ section of my hearing and finding I don't have one. Shame! :)


P.s. if you could leave your age and proffesion with your answers that would be apprieciated too.

Age 46, Profession Production Manager/Lighting Designer

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Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?
I went to a small gig over xmas to support one of the bands that were playing. During the whole gig there was feedback running though the monitors and FoH system which as a member of the audience I found it very distracting. The guy on the desk seemed completely oblivious and after an hour with my earplugs in I had to walk out on the headliner. I felt sorry for all the bands as it meant none of them could play their best and frustrated that I couldn't do anything about it.


Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.
I have the fire alarm control panel outside my office and when a fault comes up it does a high pitched beep every second. This can get very annoying after a few hours and there is no way to silence it. Even with the noise of a thousand students walking past it is the alarm that distracts me the most.


P.s. if you could leave your age and profession with your answers that would be appreciated too.
25, AV & ICT Technician working in Education
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Yes I've walked out before, when a simple task like mixing a 4 piece band in a tent or theatre appears too difficult. It makes it more annoying when the equipment in use is quite frankly world class.


Often a sound isn't too loud it's just annoying, mid heavy music (alot comes like it from the studio nowadays) is particularly annoying and I find myself moving, switching off or putting plugs in where possible.





25, Grumpy "old" git / touring engineer / hire company owner.

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Has there ever been a time that you’ve left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?


Not industry-related, but you didn't specify...


Any time I go to the shops (especially around Christmas) there is invariably a point where all the shlte music that they all insist on playing at louder-than-necessary volume gets to me, and I have to leave. More often than not with a sore head. Good riddance to Virgin/Zavvi on Buchanan Street, who put speakers by the doors playing one CD, and then had speakers installed beside a TV in the window next to it, playing something entirely different. So even if you just passed it by, you got the cacophony of them playing two separate things, combined with the dance choons emanating from the sports shop next door. Usually completed with a busker or two by the Concert Hall.


So yeah, clothes or music shops are especially guilty. When there are two or three types of music all playing at similar volume (quite loud) AND competing with each other, that does my nut.



Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn’t consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.


See those big metal cylindrical ducts that seem to be placed next to/outside/leading from pubs? No idea if it's some kind of air-conditioning, or if it's related to the kitchen or the cellar or what. Anyway, when they're doing whatever they do they make the most godawful droning noise ever, on a constant cycle. It's low/constant/monotonous enough that (apart from it starting up) you don't even realise it's there until it stops. But when it stops - the relief! I had one outside my bedroom window about two/three years ago, when the summer was stupidly hot and the window was open all the time. People who were up variously thought my PC sounded badly wrong, although the noise was more accurately described as like listening to a never-ending bus (when a bus is stationary with the engine running, that's the noise that damned thing made)

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Yes, I've left a room and / or environment plenty of times due to a sound, as well as stressing me out somewhat! I have tinitus (a great trait for a sound / lighting guy!), which really doesn't help, but, I also hear things 'louder' than anybody else around me. If a fire alarm or smoke detector goes off, rest assured I will be out of the room / building / area as quickly as possible.

If it is feedback, through a PA I'm running, it's fine, as it's a) completely unexpected and b) I know it's coming, I have complete control.

If I don't know something is coming, I'm fine for a few minutes, and then I can't bear it, if I know it's coming, I get very stressed, on varying levels.


15, Student.

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Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?


At the last school disco the DJ was really cranking the volume and it was just too loud so I left for a few minutes to let my ears have a break. You really dont realise quite how loud something is until you get a contrast such as outside in a relatively quiet corridor.



Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.


Not within the industry but my dishwasher gets to a pitch that has some sort of resonant frequency in my ear. I can stand it for a few minutes but after that I just have to walk out of the room or switch it off! Feeling of relief when it stops.


Similar things happen to a lesser extent with constant sounds that are not neccessarily very loud on their own, they just build up. Such as fire bells.


P.s. if you could leave your age and proffesion with your answers that would be apprieciated too.


17, Head of school Lighting Crew

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Frequently. I cannot stand loud music. There are occasions where I don't mind because of the atmosphere, but generally, if I have to shout to be heard, I don't want to be there. Generally, the place I leave is the crew bar, because the "DJ" who are usually engineers or friends of the engineers on the ship have bypassed the limiters and are playing their music full bore.


As for stress based on low level sounds, sure. Basically any time something does not sound "right", it starts to get me stressed. Be it vocals are missing where I know they should be in a show, the bass sounds 'fluffy' or any one of a number of things like that.

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Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? If yes, what was it? And how did it make you feel?


Yes, many times. To try and be a bit different, I was chased out of a building on a number of occasions while commissioning a TV facility in Camden. I don't know if this is a national rule or just a local one, but the standards for SPL audible from the fire alarms are literally loud enough to chase people out of the building. It works. When they were checking the alarm system and measuring the levels, it was impossible to stay anywhere in the building. If there was ever a real fire, I'm sure people would leave!


On another occasion, I actually left an Elton John concert because the sound levels were beyond loud and into painful. This was years ago and before I turned into a curmudgeonly old git....the concert was at the Hammersmith Odeon and my guess is the sound system was specced for much larger venues on the same tour.





And Lastly...





Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible.



Have you ever heard a baby crying? Quite seriously, I once read an academic paper that postulated that the sound a baby makes has evolved to be an insistant noise at a pitch, cadence and level that makes it almost impossible to ignore...and highly stressful if you try to ignore it.


At the other end of the spectrum, back in the early 70s I worked at a TV facility where we all chipped in to buy a ping pong table for the crew room. We really enjoyed it until a spoilsport in a nearby office complained about the noise. The sound department got the last laugh though...we rigged the ceiling speaker in his office with a continuous loop of the "bop-thok-bop thok" sound of a ping pong game...at a level so low that you were never sure it was actually there. Drove him crazy!



Age 56. Retired TV engineer with a specialty in sound.



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Just a couple of quick questions....




Has there ever been a time that you've left a room or an environment due to a sound? Yes. If yes, what was it? The Black Crows. And how did it make you feel? Nauseous.





And Lastly...





Can you think of an occasion where you felt stressed by a sound that you wouldn't consider particularly loud? If yes please explain as fully as possible. too many to document, mainly to do with needing quiet to ensure effective communication




(I'm attempting to collate data for my final year project For my degree on noise induced stress and I would really apprieciate any feedback on the above questions).





P.s. if you could leave your age and proffesion with your answers that would be apprieciated too















University of Derby.

Sound, Light and Live Event Technology


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