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Mixwizard PFL oddity


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Hi all,

So we set up a show this weekend, with a number of channels coming into our desk (an a&h mixwizard 16:2). Most of them were floats, with 4 feeds from a desk we're submixing on. All was working fine, with absolutely no problem.

Then we get feedback from an unknown channel, so I kept adding pfls till I found it coming through the 'phones. However, after half the pfls were on, the noise coming through the 'phones (and being displayed on the meter) kept cutting out 3/4 times each second. Pretty much like the sound (or occasional lack thereof) that you get from dropped packets when using digital recording. We fiddled, and it's no specific channel causing the problems - it seems pretty random as to which combination of channels it occurs on. The actual sound output is fine, it's just the pfl.

We're presuming that it's a problem with the pfl circuitry - is there anything else that could be causing this? And what would be the best course of action (short of sending it off to get looked at)? For now, as long as the problem doesn't get any worse, we can just not pfl more than a couple of channels at once, though that desk gets used fairly regularly.

Cheers all,


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Shall do a proper check tomorrow evening when we get back in - it initially appears to be non-specific - we swapped channels out across the board, without finding any specific channel which caused it, or any combination of channels which may have caused it.
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Hmmm. Haven't got time to take the back off it till the weekend, we're already pushed for time actually running the show! However, we tried to repeat it again today, and failed. Meaning it's an intermittent fault - could well be a bad solder joint, or something completely different. Shall let you guys know the result of any dismantling!


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