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Insurance advice


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Just adding my tuppence about DJguard, I don't use them, yet, but likely will in the future.


I spoke to them recently and was informed that a concrete sectional garage was insurable if declared.

Their online jargon buster gives a definition of their terms:



DJ - our collective term to describe DJs, mobile discos, VJs, karaoke and sound or lighting engineers. We also cover music teachers, entertainers and other musicians.




For vans or minibus

In addition to the requirements above:

The windows must be obscured (I clarified this as limo tint being ok over the phone)

The equipment must be in a compartment not accessible from the driver's area, or where the compartment is accessible, the property must be kept out of sight. (under blankets is out of sight).


I'm fairly certain your right about going to the toilet though - bloody ridiculous!


I'm not trying to defend any insurance companies, I feel the whole industry is full of spam, but if you read all the small print and speak to the right people sometimes things are a little clearer.

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hoping not to get such a disdainful response from members, but my query is about insurance covering equipment and costumes, etc - does anyone know if you would you need to specify a clause in the PLI to cover specifics?


Hi there AceLineO-


No disdain here, a reasonable question. PLI insurance and equipment insurance are two completely different things, although they are often supplied by the same brokers and insurers. PLI is insurance you must have in case anything you do in the course of your work (whatever that is) causes injury (or worse) to somebody (anybody) else- in our business, that means the public, a performer, or anybody else working on an event. This is usually an insurance capable of paying out a vast sum, up to £10 million per claim is now common. Insurance for any kind of equipment, against theft of, loss of or damage to equipment, is just that. PLI will never cover your equipment against theft, loss or damage. I'm sure that there must already be a thread here on the Blue Room listing specialist entertainment industry insurers for both PLI and equipment.


Cheers, vbm.



cool, fanks VBM :blink:

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