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follow spot noise?


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Hey there I have a robert juilat spot light not sure of the of the model some idiot scratched it off, but it seems to be making a weird noise, its a buzzing noise at intervals so sometimes it might not be there and sometimes it is its quite loud and therefore distractes the audience, inside the actual spot itself it think it might be time for a new bulb but don't wanna buy one until I know what it is. Any suggestions much appericated.
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Assuming you're not talking about fan noise (fans do get noisy and are pretty easy to source and replace), it sounds to be a ballast, which could be related to the lamp. It does depend on the details though. How old is the lamp within the followpsot?

Does it sound to be an "electrical" type buzz. I know that's not very descriptive, but does it sound similair to the noise you get when you strike the lamp?

We had a pair of showtec 575 followpsots for our last show. Not our choice but our normal set were already on hire. They were quite noisy but it was mainly due to the fans. One developed a buzz half way through the run that we think was from the ballast, luckily our followpsot box is seperate to the auditorium.

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