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Moving Projector Yoke


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Hi everyone,

I have been to the AC lighting roadshow today and saw a few what seemed to be just a holder for the projector but it had a moving yoke built into it.

I wrote down the name and model but had lost the paper time I got back to work!

Has anybody scene these before as was looking for a price as the High End DL.1 is way way out of my money league, and hoping I might stand a better chance as seems to be a sperate projector.


Please Help



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I don't know what you saw at AC, but we have sold a few of the Compulite Luna yokes for mounting LCD projectors on.


It is basically just a DMX controlled pan and tilt yoke with 16-bit resolution and you can mount whatever you want on it.


Price is around £1200 plus VAT.


Hope this helps.

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Or it could be that new-fangled thing from the people that had the big stand over in the corner at Plasa last year. It's a whole projector/moving yoke effort. DMX control to the yoke, and and an Apple Mac :-) driving the video side of things. Bugger- really can't remember the name.


Ah Ha!!! It's the DL1 from Hight End. A search for media server, Apple and DMX yielded the info!! Maybe this was what you saw?

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Is this what you were looking for?



It looks like a standard projector clamped into a moving yoke, however from the looks of the integration of the controls you won't just be able to clamp an existing projector in there.


Or this?

ControLite Moving Yoke Projector


It might be a good idea to read the question first Little DJ :(


Hi everyone,

Has anybody scene these before as was looking for a price as the High End DL.1 is way way out of my money league, and hoping I might stand a better chance as seems to be a sperate projector.


Ah Ha!!! It's the DL1 from Hight  End sic. A search for media server, Apple and DMX yielded the info!! Maybe this was what you saw?






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Yes it was deffinetly something like the beamover, although I did see the DL1 but after looking at the price tag thought no chance!

Any ideas on were I could get some prices from?





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I know which one you're on about, I think it was on the 'spolight' stand, with the happy guy and the lights that all looked ripped from Strand models, I remember there was a good copy of a pirouette, and the projector stand was exactly the same without the light and just a metal platform there instead, was unsure how the projector was attatched though without it slpping off.
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They have said that I would do better to go for a projector with a DMX remote focus has anybody seen or looked into any such projectors?





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  • 1 year later...

Hi There,


I just thought that I would put some information out there with regards the DL1 and also the DL2 products which High End Systems are producing. Incidentally I handle technical support for the Hog III range of products, however please feel free to contact me on any of the below as well.


With regards the cost of the units.


Most Video Projectors do not normally come with repeatable zoom and focus

lenses. The zoom and focus on a video projector is open looped. If you

use an ordinary projector on a yoke you can't change zoom and focus on the

fly and expect it to return to the same setting for each scene. The DL-1

and DL-2 units come equipped with separate driver cards and motors for cur

repeatable zoom and focus. This allows the unit to be used in a live situation for multiple projection surfaces in one show. This is very hard to acheive with units that have not got this functionality. (Yokes which you simply attach any projectors to).


Also I suppose it is fair to point out that the DL2 specifically comes with a 3D media server in the base.


The DL-1 can be equipped with a remote DMX controlled camera system

incorporating night vision like those being used on the present U2 tour.

The DL-2 ships standard with the camera and infrared illuminattion system. You are also able to distribute the camer feeds from one projector to the others in the rig.


Also DL1 and DL2 both have an Iris included which means that they can go to full Black leaving no video ghosting so to speak.


With regards the somke damage to projectors.


Sometimes depending on the density it can only take weeks or days. Many

times the damage is not repairable. Even worse can be pyrotechnic debris

or sulfur. The DL-1 and DL-2 have the projectors enclosed in a protective

housing that is equipped with two stage filtration that filters sub-miron

particles. A filtration warning system can alert a tech as to the filters

load and when it needs changing. As long as the filter is replaced in a timely manner the Dl1 and Dl2's projectors are very well protected.


I hope this helps in some way. Please feel free to contact me at chris_ferrante at highend dot com should you require any further info. You can also get more info from the following link http://staging.highend.com/support/digital...p#howdoipreview






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