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HELP 01v96 v2


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hey people. im new here


I just got 01v96 v2


I hava problem. I cant get sound from mixer to Nuendo. I use Nuendo to record.


I did remote control and it works good. when I set lets say 10 tracks in Nuendo 10 faders comes up. end eq works and everithing else.



I need somebody to help me. someone that use 01v96 to help me step by step PLEASEEEEE


Thank you.

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At the risk of sounding a little sarcastic (I'm not meaning to I promise)

Have a look in the manual. It's as thick as a mans arm but it will guide you through set up for remote control for pretty much every conceivable device. (unless you're running studio master on vista, then you'd be on a hiding to nothing)

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