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Snow machine


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Just bought a cheap Eurolite snow machine.

Some of the snow comes out in lumps, more like snow balls than snow flakes.

Any tips/ ideas for making it all look more like snowflakes?




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Proper answer - get a proply built machine.


Practical answer - its clumping because the ratio of chemical to air is wrong (too much juice) the easiest way to fix this is to water-down your snow juice (just use drinking grade water, it mustn't be de-ionised as that will stop it snowing completely) the more water in your fluid the smaller your flakes. Without knowing the exact concentration of juice you're using I can't give you a ratio but it's a very blunt ratio you can find with trial and error. 10% water at a time until you find something that works.

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I don't like snow machines, too noisy, but the director insists on one.

I would have preferred a snow bag but very difficult to rig and use where it would be used.

The committee would only sanction the purchase of a cheap machine, so they have got what they paid for. :unsure:

Thanks for the tip of adding water to the fluid.water.



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Hi Gerry


I've just purchased a Le Maitre snow machine because they run quiet. 65 DB -normal conversation level- then again I'm scottish and we can be quite loud!!. Your other poster is right though. The water ratio should fix it. I was tempted by the cheaper option but they are noisey indeed.


Best of luck!

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