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Forsyte Saga - Art Gallery


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Hi there, im currently helping build a set for a play called, "The Forsyte Saga" im sure everyone has heard of it, at least because of the ITV series that was on television not to long ago, or from the book...


My problem:


There is a scene in the play that is based in a Art Gallery, the director and designer wants four pictures to fly downwards downstage of the back frame of the set, so it helps the audience understand that they art in a Art Gallery...


Flying them in? Fine


Making the Frames, and Canvasing them? Fine!!


THE ONLY PROBLEM, is I dont have a clue about art work and paintings, I dont want to put a picture that was painted in the late 1800's as it will of been painted after the era of the play.


I really need some advice on what paintings I should use, maybe even artists I could look at to get them from? im really not a scenic artist, so I cant really paint them either, so if anyone has any advice on where to get them printed onto canvas? or even a poster of them in like A2 size! id be greatly appriciated.


Obviusly, with the credit crunch money is tight, so please no advice to go out and buy some 1000 pound printer or anything like that...


But seriusly, any help would be appriciated, I have had enough of searching google looking at 18 - 19th century artists!!!




the time the play is set, changes through out the show, it goes from mid 1800's to late 1800's and so as the show goes on the set starts to age, and the lighting changes and so does the costume.


Thats about all I can think of right now, as im trying to do West Side Story at the same time so my brains a bit over driven, especially for a student as well...


Anything anyone can add would be appriciated or anything anyone can help with would be as well!


*Sorry if there is already a post like this, I did search but didnt really turn up much, or as its my first real post, and topic, if its in the wrong section...and of course, my bad spelling!*


Thanks everyone!



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if anyone has any advice on famous paintings or anything


List of art styles which you can then do further research on regarding the era in which they were most popular.


List of 19th Century artists with some biographical information available - this will help you to find suitable artists, and decide if their paintings were likely to be owned by the characters in the play. Of course, it's equally likely that they had older paintings too, so anything before the era you want should be fine.


Failing that, try a book on Art History and/ or visit an Art Gallery and speak to a helpful curator.

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if anyone has any advice on famous paintings or anything


List of art styles which you can then do further research on regarding the era in which they were most popular.


List of 19th Century artists with some biographical information available - this will help you to find suitable artists, and decide if their paintings were likely to be owned by the characters in the play. Of course, it's equally likely that they had older paintings too, so anything before the era you want should be fine.


Failing that, try a book on Art History and/ or visit an Art Gallery and speak to a helpful curator.

Thank you very much jram


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you really dont know how much id love that, just have gause behind each frame and and light each frame with some sorta spotlight....


BUT I have one hell of a gay designer...and yet, he can dish the jobs, just not tell me what artists ect he wants... ** laughs out loud ** not even what sort of picture but I might try and do your idea anyways, as I really like that!


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National Gallery would be a good place to start. If nothing else it will give you a feel for what would be appropriate.


yer I tried there and I thought it was great, then I suddenly realised prints from there are like 25 pounds for A2 posters, not bad, but 4 of them is 100? thats pretty much the only budget I have....** laughs out loud **

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Just my opinion, as a set designer, the designer should tell you what period, style, artist or even which exact paintings are required. This is part of the set designers job.




edited to change "as set designer" to "as a set designer"

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