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Planning replacing old Peavey speakers...looking for comments on vario


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Hi, I am contemplating replacing two elderly Peavey SP 4G speakers with two Mackie S 225 or YAMAHA C 215 or.... EAW FR 159 /153/250 or EV Force I 25 Speakers. Does anyone have any experience with any of these speakers?


They will be used here (Beijing) in a large school where we have regular smallish scale rock concerts, very large outdoor sports events, classical concerts of all sorts and so on...... oh yes, the dreaded discos too.


Any comments would be extremely welcome.

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I use to have some Peavey Hi-Sys4xt speakers. I loved the slam of them, but now I look back and think "oh my god peavey's sound quality is total crap". Depending on how mcuh you've got to spend, you could try a pair of DB Technologies Opera 402 active speakers with a DB Technologies Sub 18D active subwoofer and it would be excellent sound quality and easily good enough for discos. If you wanna do very large outdoor events then you'll need a very big system which could cost upwards of £10,000 depensing on how big you wanna go. I've got a pair of the Opera 402 cabs and they're excellent sound quality for their price. Have a look at them :




And here's the Sub 18D : http://www.abyssaudiolighting.co.uk/compon...mart/Itemid,31/


Stay away from the EV Force series and the Gladiator series too becuase I've heard nothing good about them at all apart from being totally crap. Without you saying how much you have to spend I can't really say much more. You tell me how much you have to spend and I can start advising you whats good for what money.

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Depends what exactly you mean by 'very large outdoor sports events'. Does this just mean vocal reproduction? To me, it sounds like your budget is going to be pretty restricting in relation to the requirements.


FWIW, of the speakers you listed, I would choose the Mackies over anything else, without any hesitation.

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So OP you are wanting a dual 15" + horn cab?


I know the peaveys are, but would you consider a top cab / bottom cab combo?


As mentioned your budget would help.

If you are on tight constraints Thomann do their own cabs,

I have heard the 15" full range offerings, and TBH they are pretty good for the price.

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If you definately want dual 15" and a compression driver speakers, then check thwese out :


JBL MRX-525 Good speakers indeed, and the JBL MRX series has quite a big following. A lot of people I've spoken to say the MRX series sound excellent for the money and go very loud. I've heard the MRX-515 and hell did they go loud and punch, so the dual 15" would suit your neeeds.


JBL SRX-725 Even better, and JBL's SRX series has a very, very big following, and is world reknowned for being very high quality, with sound quality and also known for lasting years. The older SR series it pretty famous for being very punchy, loud and could withstand a lot of abuse, which jas definately passed on to this newer SRX series.


EV TX-2152 Damn good speakers. EV have always done excellent speakers and these babies go even louder than the JBL cabinets. If you want a dual 15" configuration then these are a very good choice.


Out of these speakers I would probably go for the JBL SRX-725 cabs because JBL is just so damn tough and can take a clipped, overdriven signal like no other speakers (should you be on of these djs who overdrives speakers), but more than that, you'll get a loud, very punchy sound that will make you smile, for definate. If I was you, I'd stay away from Peavey because, although they have got a little better over the years, they're still classed as budget quality speakers. The sound is pretty cold, the punch is very mid bassy and they're just not worth the money. Go for JBL.


Personally I'd stay away from the Mackie cabinbets, because although the speaker cabinets are nice, M<ackie go and power them with their own amplifiers, and that lets them down. The cabinets are designed by EAW and the drivers are all RCF, buty Mackie amplifiers are crap in my opinion, and the opinion of a lot of people I've spoke to in the past too. The EAW FR153 cabs are very nice indeed. Damn good sound quality. But anyway, without giving us an idea of your budget we can't keep guessing like this as to how much you have to spend.


P.S A seperate mid/high and sub would DEFINATELY be the best option though. It would provide you with the best overall sound quality. You'd get more punch, better midrange (due to the mid/high not having to work hard producing bass, that would be the sub's job) and you'd get more volume out of your system.

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Hi, I am contemplating replacing two elderly Peavey SP 4G speakers with two Mackie S 225 or YAMAHA C 215 or.... EAW FR 159 /153/250 or EV Force I 25 Speakers. Does anyone have any experience with any of these speakers?


They will be used here (Beijing) in a large school where we have regular smallish scale rock concerts, very large outdoor sports events, classical concerts of all sorts and so on...... oh yes, the dreaded discos too.


Any comments would be extremely welcome.


Even for the smallest of concerts, these two new speakers will, I guess, be a small part of the overall system. What other kit do you use?


If you just require vocals and music at background level (as opposed to concert levels), a decent number of 12"+1" boxes will do the job. However you will need to give thought to placement to maximise dispertion. It really depends on what you mean by "large outdoor sports events".

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Hi, thanks for the various thoughts. to answer a couple of people's questions, my budget for two speakers is about 3000 USD, or since I am in Beijing, about 20 000 RMB. By large sports events, I mean events taking place on a regular sized football field.

Otherwise we have discos in a Black Box theatre we have here, about 30 x 30 meters. Assemblies tend to take place in a very large Gymnasium, actually it is four standard gyms that oopen up into one large one.


We have the normal compliment of amplifiers, FX, companders and so forth, so that side is OK.


Just need to replace those two old Peaveys which have now more or less died. I already have several Eric (local Chinese brand) full range 600 W speakers, so it isnt urgent, just hate to only have those two.. can cause problems when events overlap.


So, that is it, sort of

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