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Looking for advice


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Hi! I´m from Spain but probably I´ll move somewhere else in the UK for getting knowledge about all the technical vocabulary in english.

I´ve been working in the industry for many years and have lot of experience in sound, light, electricity and video.

I´ve a superior degree in A/V technician and have worked in small and big companyes.

My experience go from monitor and FOH technician in sound. Teacher in a school for electricity. And also lighting tech, programer and operator for avolites and GrandMA.

I have truck driver licence too.

My problem is that I´m not really familiar with the specific terms and vocabulary in english, so I had have many problems to travel around and do international tours and gigs.

I´ll like if someone can recomend me good cities and companies in there for work, that can teach me, and also feed me, because I´ll move to a new country for work and I can´t do it making a bad salary.

Thanks a lot

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In answer to your question, London Birmingham & Manchester are the busiest areas although companies from all over the UK hold events in these cities!


My advice to you at the moment would be to look somehere else though! This country is in recession at the moment and many companies are closing due to the lack of work. We have many freelance technicians here who cannot get work and many full time workers who are being laid-off at this time meaning that there is less work available as the situation gets worse. You will find it very difficult to get work under these circumstances.

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Thanks for your advice Soundo26. The same situation you have there is happening in Spain and in many countries around the world. My planning is not for right now, but I´ll like to move there in the near future (before one or two years). I know that is difficult to get lots of gigs these days but if I try I think I will find something. Of course I´m concious about the reality, and that I´m not gonna find the same conditions as here, where I have a little reputacion in the industry.

Anyway, is great to get some information, I appreciate it.


And Gerry, I´ll be glad to help you with your questions, also you can help mines. Sometimes I have big troubles trying to explain and comunicate technical stuff to my friends or coworkers in english.


If you want you can mail me or contact me via blue room. I´ll like the help

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Re: Industry Specific Phrases in different languages: This is perhaps worth doing across as many languages as possible. I've done a fair amount of international touring, and have always managed to muddle through, usually through a combination of mime and making quick drawings. But mistakes/misunderstandings have been made. I recently returned from a gig in Mexico where certain items that are easily sourced in UK are virtually unheard off. It would have been easy to bring them; but a simple miscommunication led me to believe that they would be easy to pick up on site. A database on the Wiki which can be added to and updated would certainly prove invaluable, and help anyone who needs to work abroad.


Any takers:

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