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Audio Technica's DA49 vs DA860UK


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I'm looking at 12 new Audio Technica UHF mics including Antenna Distribution.


Audio Technica do a DA49 (for ~£190) and DA860UK (for ~£360).


Why the great price difference?


As I see it:


DA49 Pros:

The DA49 is a 1/2-rack width, so you can get two in one rack space. The DA860 is a full rack width.

The DA49 can be used for a large range (400-900MHz). The DA860 can only be used for 840-865MHz.


DA860 Pros:

The DA860 has loop through. (Erm, you can almost get two DA49's for the same price as a DA860, which if you use one of the DA49 outputs to loop out of, that still leaves 7 useable DA49 outputs for the price of 4 DA860 outputs)

The DA860 has an IEC in and out socket. (So what - I've got the power supplies from the Radio Mic receivers which will operate the DA49, and loop through in the same manor as the RF.)


Is there something major I'm missing?


If we get the 12 sets, it's either £760 for four DA49's (giving 13 outputs if looped in parallel) or £1080 for three DA860's (giving 12 outputs when looped as designed).


Is there any UHF Distribution system that has more than 4 outputs?




[Edit: spelling mistake]

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