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Safety Curtain

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We're having our new safty curtain painted at the moment and are wondering if the words 'Safety Curtain' need to be painted on it. I can't find anything that says they do, but I thought I'd better check with others. I know a lot of irons do have the words on them, but I'm sure I've seen ones that don't. Any thoughts?
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In the venues where they had that legend on them, it used to be detailed in their old license. Now that the license (well, certainly ours) is void of anything interesting, I'd guess the requirement has gone. In our venue, all mention of safety curtain is now missing - we keep it serviced and tested, but if somebody wants to set things on the safety curtain line, and there's no additional risk from what is going on - we allow it now. On the old system we didn't.
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