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Sunlite Software Users ?


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If any of you are using the Sunlite Suite plz reply here as I have some basic doubts. The software has such a bad user interface and an equally awful manual ive got the product lying around unused for more than 1 year. And I havent even been able to use it once for a show. Even the menus in the software interface have bad english in them. Their after sales support is also on the same lines of their product. It would be helpful if someone here can help me use it plz. Thanks in advance.
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If any of you are using the Sunlite Suite plz reply here as I have some basic doubts. The software has such a bad user interface and an equally awful manual ive got the product lying around unused for more than 1 year. And I havent even been able to use it once for a show. Even the menus in the software interface have bad english in them. Their after sales support is also on the same lines of their product. It would be helpful if someone here can help me use it plz. Thanks in advance.



I am a sunlite user.


Oh Lordy

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I use itin my own setup of 5 movers and 16 generics, and at the school where I am the technician, which uses 40ish generic dimmer channels and occasion hired in intelligent stuff. I personally are a big fan, its very good for the money, has never let me down on a show, and once you are used to it is quick to use. However it is not that easy to learn, and the manual is not very clear on everything. you need to persevere, play with the demo shows to get the concept and don't expect to learn it in half an hour! The main annoyances are the saving files, abd the visualliezer is not always right with gobo rotation speeds, etc. No tradition submasters or faders, although you can link up midi controllers. Also worth know is Robe sell a rebranded version at a higher price, and it is the same engine as daslight. Plus its a free download so you can play with it on asmany computers as you like!Hope this helps!
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Lordy > Hi, Nice to find someone on the forums that is using Sunlite. Ive had it sitting around for a year and cant make out some simple things like why is there a master page and what is the primary use of making fresh pages. Is it just a container to hold all your buttons so we can make pages that each represent one part of the show ? First off is the software very reliable and hasnt locked up amidst a show etc ? Thanks.


Ron > Nice to know Sunlite hasnt let you down, because id rather abandon it rather than spend time mastering it and then mess up a show in front of a live audience. Then id lose face and the abundant time I spent mastering a bad program. But now im relieved that its stable for you. Ive got it installed on a very good system which has nothing but Sunlite (and win xp) installed on it. The system is a 3.6 ghz dual core with 4 gb ram, nvidia card and the works etc. So im hoping no crashes.

Now for my questions, I tried the demo shows etc and I understand that it creates prespecified buttons each corresponding to a channel on the light. Clicking on these buttons help us to get a look which we can then create into a scene ? Then I use many such scenes to make a cycle ? is this logic right or am I understand wrong ? My second question is,,, the master page is the one that holds all the lights that we are using on the show along with their corresponding buttons ? And we create secondary pages to hold buttons in groups that are logical to the show ? Can I have a final page which only consists of scenes or cycles ?


I know how to make video and audio buttons. How do I make a sequence ? so that once started the 2nd video button will get triggered only when the first video is finished playing ? Because I think cycles are made based on realtime recordng of clicks. But thats a little unreliable for video playback. So I want the 2nd video or scene to start AFTER the video is completed. Is this possible ?

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Sorry but I'm not going to give you a tutorial - all the questions are answered in the manual! Just read it through page by page and if you make sure you understand everything you read therein you should be able to work it out. If you think sunlite is hard to understand have a go at magicQ!
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Sorry but I'm not going to give you a tutorial - all the questions are answered in the manual! Just read it through page by page and if you make sure you understand everything you read therein you should be able to work it out. If you think sunlite is hard to understand have a go at magicQ!

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Having used both I think that sunlite is very illogical compared to MagicQ and other software.



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Ron > I was asking mainly how I can create a video button which after the video is over the next video button to sart automatically. If you think thats a tutorial you can keep your knowledge if any to yourself as there may be some other helpful members that may wanna tell me how it can be done. The other questions I have in fact stated the logic I understood and only asked if im right or wrong. Thats a 1 word answer because ive given all inputs so that members can answer shortly or just correct the place where my understanding is wrong. Like joshva says its a damn illogical software with an illogical manual to match. So you can either chime in your 2 cents or just stay quiet.
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With regard to the video, I think the only way is on timed a cycle, but I haven't used it for that so I may not know as much as some users. Sorry you need to shirty about my reply, but all the other questions you asked are in the manual or can be worked out if you dedicate enough time to it and get into the way the program works. As you suggest, it's not the best program on the market, but it is very cost effective, and adaptable for different situations, for example creating a simple preset menu for a client to use which they then can not ruin! Also, Robe sell it as their own branded software which gives it some credence.

So thats my 2 cents worth. Spend it wisely, and do try to be a little more polite in future on this forum, people generally are giving advice out of the kindness of their hearts on here, and I personally really don't want to be insulted because I didn't answer your questions exactly as you wanted me to.

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Ron > I think I know how to carry myself in the forum having joined years before you. So its taking things a little far advising me how to ask for help here. I did not hurl an insult at you, given the fact that you gave an insulting statement saying "im not going to give you a tutorial". assuming someone asked, that too specifically you, for a tutorial. Thats being assumptive and insulting. I suggest you dont be blunt and then talk about kindness. We dont need members on the forum who say "im not going to answer you, go read the manual". Thats not what this forum is for. Its evident you still didnt even understand my question. I fact I myself have stated about the cycle option myself. But a cycle will only go by timing irrespective of the first video having finished or vice versa. Which is why ive stated conditionally "when the first video has finished playing". But since you were impulsive in your reply I suggested you not waste your time if you didnt want to. And IVE stated that there are members here who would be kind enough to help. And your merely being repetitive telling me that members here help out of kindness. And its only later your trying to tell me your 2 cents. You could have told me that in your first post.
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OK mate, over and out. I'm not up for an argument, if you did'nt like my reply then just ignore it don't get stroppy! All I was pointing out from your first reply to me was that, in my opinion, your questions would be solved, and are actually answered reasonably well, in the sunlite manual. Also the forum on www.nicolaudie.com is pretty useful. Oh, and I realise that saying "I'm not giving a tutorial" is ever so slighty firmly worded, but your comments to me have been a bit off... I suggest you have a re-read...
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Its not me whos getting stroppy right ? Also I would like to in a friendly manner urge you to state facts which you only know are correct. Even if its only a little you can contribute. But make sure its right. Read below why im saying this......


1. None of these questions are answered in the manual. can you qoute a page no ? You cant because, video / audio buttons are not explained in the manual. And ive read it thoroughly. Roberto Malveaz from Nicolaudie America himself told me that that the manual has a lot of elements skipped out and that its horribly assembled. They promised to redo it and this was 2 years back and it hasnt been done.


2. You mentioned the forum. There is no forum. When was the last time you visited the sunlite forum ??? For your info it was discontinued a long time back. I was a member on the very same forum. Try the link to the forum.... http://www.nicolaudie.com/forum_support/ . I hope you get what I mean. We are professionals in what we do. If I dont know I ask. As im doing here. But not without doing my homework first. Its because theres no info out there to be had that im asking other members here who have good knowledge of the software to help me.

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In response... the question you asked about scenes/cycles/master page is what I refered to when I said it is in the manual. As I mentioned, I have not used video buttons so I can't help you on that.

The forum - I have never used it but have only heard there is one, so I stand corrected if it is not working now... I was just suggesting you try it.

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