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Stacking Speaker


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I'm not much of a sound guy, but I do own a small sound system that I'm looking to expand. I currently own a pair of 800w single 15" speakers and a 1200w sub. I was considering adding a pair of dual 15s and stacking my existing single 15s on top of them. I heard that doing this may lead to problems with frequency cancellations and such between the singles and the duals. Is this true?, and if so is there a way to correct it?




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When you say dual 15s, you mean dual 15 subs? If so, then yes it's doable, you just need to make sure there's some sort of crossover point set between them (usually around 100-140 Hz)


When you say dual 15s, you mean a second pair of full-range speakers, then no, I would avoid it like the plague. You start getting constructive and destructive interference. The end result is hugely varying sound across the audience, and nasty, unpredictable feedback spots.

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When you say dual 15s, you mean a second pair of full-range speakers.


Yes, they would be dual 15" full range speakers.


id also check those wattages you are quoting, they seem a little high <_<


That's what it says for peak wattage on the back of the speakers, but I agree that it's probably a generous quote!



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I would avoid it in that case. Arraying speakers is tricky, especially if you place them closely together.


What speakers exactly are you talking about? What's the application, and how much are you looking to spend to upgrade it?

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Don't do it.


Stacking/arraying speaker cabinets that aren't designed to be used that way almost always sounds worse. Save your cash and when you're ready sell your existing gear and buy a new rig that does what you need.



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What speakers exactly are you talking about? What's the application, and how much are you looking to spend to upgrade it?


The existing speakers are from the MTX loudspeaker series (yes, I know they're off-brand). I have two of the P15H and one the P15SRB




Given that the responses that I've gotten so far confirm my hunch, I'm siding towards selling these and getting a whole new system. I don't really have a set budget - pretty much what it takes to do the job right. The use of the system is primarily for mobile DJing, with some use at live theater events, some indoors some out. I play to crowds of between 200 and 1500 people.



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For crowds up to 1500 people you're really talking quite a big system, especially outdoors.


It would be better if you supplied a budget. I could say go all out and go down the d&b C4 + B2 route.


What kind of budget constraints are we talking about here?

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I'd suggest some new system. Lots of people can suggest things but you have to make the choice and you have to have a listen, talk to local hire companies about what they have, see if you can have a listen and find something suitable.


I'd consider hiring for the larger outdoor things you do, as you'll struggle to find a system equally at home doing 200 indoors as 1500 outdoors that doesn't weigh a tonne.


And of course, we all know that Alex was joking when he suggested C4. We all know C4 would hardly be suitable for 200 people indoors. and not even 300-400 indoors which is the average show.

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