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American Audio SDJ-1


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Anyone had any experience of the American Audio SDJ-1.

This is a unit that plays mp3 files from SD storage cards, up to 4gb.

I have heard they are unreliable (crashing mid-gig), and that the support from American Audio, is far from satisfactory.

Any experiences, comments and advice on the unit would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers..........Brian :)

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Didn't spot this topic till now. It's been 100% reliable, never crashing once - although it is not happy with any mp3s that have small glitches in them. A couple of tracks, casually grabbed at random to use as walk in music, played a few seconds then stopped. Looking at them in an editor, there were small blank bits - which I-tunes plays happily. I suspect when ripping the tracks there was a short buffer underun, or something like that when recorded.


I certainly haven't looked after it - it's rather shallow, so propped up on top of the dog box, it's fell off quite a few times with no ill effects. If I wanted another, I'd seriously buy an identical one - too many gadgets for me, but I'm not the typical user.


Yep - I'm happy. If it does go wrong - I suspect the kind of stores that sell it won't give much in the way of service apart from back to manufacturer.


In fact - although the Blue-Room frown on publicising dealers who perhaps should not be bought from - I have documentary evidence of all that follows - and the refund was processed by the credit card company who also were involved.


I bought from a company called Total Audio. They didn't answer the phone, or reply to emails, and eventually the credit card company got involved and I got a refund from them. Total Audio confirmed that it wasn't coming, and that should have been that. I bought one elsewhere. Then Total Audio's arrived - direct from the distributor. They then answered my email very promptly and asked me to return it, and they would refund the postage - which, of course, they never did - ignoring all emails that followed. I gave up - but thought this info helpful when considering on line dealers who advertise this unit,


I'm still impressed.


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Didn't spot this topic till now. It's been 100% reliable, never crashing once - although it is not happy with any mp3s that have small glitches in them. A couple of tracks, casually grabbed at random to use as walk in music, played a few seconds then stopped. Looking at them in an editor, there were small blank bits - which I-tunes plays happily. I suspect when ripping the tracks there was a short buffer underun, or something like that when recorded.



You have to be careful downloading tracks from limewire Paul. :P

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