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Outdoor Projection


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Hello. I'm doing a outdoor projects that requires projection. And need some help please!


The performance is happening from Dusk(Around 7.30pm onwards) in september for a couple of weeks.


we are projecting words/images onto various objects/people/white sheets etc, all over the stage, which is 15m width max, and height wise, it's open, but highest object is at 3m, The biggest image preferably needs to stretch whole width of the stage.


Throw varies as we tour different locations, but I'd say it's a range of 16-24m


Which brings to the next thing that the installation needs to come out everynight and been put up every night.

I need to know


1. Which Projector can I use to achieve bright and clear enough image(I was thinking minimum of 4000 lumens(Is it enough?), with native screen format being 16:9)

2. Any installation tips on a high turn around rate and protecting them from evil weather.

3. Who can I contact to hire them(cheaply,,,ish I know these things cost)

4. Roughly How much am I looking at to achieve this?! We haven't got massive budget!


Please help!



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Hello. I'm doing a outdoor projects that requires projection. And need some help please!


The performance is happening from Dusk(Around 7.30pm onwards) in september for a couple of weeks.

Hi, Welcome to the Blue Room. If I were to guess what the first question that we are going to ask you would be, it is "Where are you?" This is going to affect things like hire prices and how readily available the kit is. It also has bearing on how dark dusk is at 7:30! Have a look at the "My Controls" tab; we don't want a post code, but city, county, or even country helps! (And this goes for the rest of you too!)


You are certainly going to need a "proper" projector with that throw, and the need for wide angle in relation to height. You may be better off with two side by side.

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Hello. I'm doing a outdoor projects that requires projection. And need some help please!


The performance is happening from Dusk(Around 7.30pm onwards) in september for a couple of weeks.

Hi, Welcome to the Blue Room. If I were to guess what the first question that we are going to ask you would be, it is "Where are you?" This is going to affect things like hire prices and how readily available the kit is. It also has bearing on how dark dusk is at 7:30! Have a look at the "My Controls" tab; we don't want a post code, but city, county, or even country helps! (And this goes for the rest of you too!)


You are certainly going to need a "proper" projector with that throw, and the need for wide angle in relation to height. You may be better off with two side by side.


Thanks! I have added my location(London) now.

Will consider 2 projector, but as I'm trying to keep the budget down, it may have to be 1....

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Hi There,

I've just done a very similar job so I thought I'd give you some insights. We used 4 Barco 18k projectors, to cover a 16m by 6m projected surface. I know your budget isn't goig to go close to this, but that was enough to give us equivalent brightness to the stage lighting. we had a pair side by side and a pair doubled up (overlayed) on top of them.


I think that 2 or more projectors side by side will give you the best brightness for your money. If you use a single projector you will lose a lot of the output at the top and bottom of the image. You will get the same brightness levels using a single 4000lumen projector, a pair of 1000 lumen projectors side by side, or a trio of 450 lumen projectors. However, you may not see anything from your projectors untill dusk, which means you will have to wait untill then to line them up, and a single projector will be a lot easier than multiple projectors side by side.


Another issue is to try and keep any lighting your using away from the projection, as it will easily wash out the brightness levels your going to achieve. If your planning on competing with stage lighting, and overlaying images on top of it, I'd suggest a pair of projectors about 5000lumens each is going to be the minimum.


Finally, if you can get projectors with a native 16:9 aspect ratio, rather than 4:3, you will get 33% more brightness for the same lumens rating, as your using them in a widescreen ratio, and less is wasted in the unseen top and bottom parts of the picture.


I hope this helps


Pete Jones

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seeing as one or two others have offered they're services, but not actually mentioned the fact they work for the company they have suggested I'm going to offer our services.


We can provide both 5k and 10k lumen 4:3 ratio machines as well as true HD 16:9 at 8500 lumens. For the 8.5 and 10k we have lenses from 0.85:1 through to 7:1, so can deal with a large range of situations. Both these machines offer on board edge blending to enable easy stitching together. Something that is hard with the 5k machines, either requireding something like the Matrox triplehead to go or a hardware solution such as Barco Screen ProII.


One issue with blending two machines to get an 'ultra wide' image is that it will take more time to set them up every night. Using a single 16:9 machine will cut down on the setup time and complexity.

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protecting them from evil weather.


That's the fun part. Protecting them is easy enough, doing it so they look unobtrusive isn't so simple. Big projectors generate a fair bit of heat and tend to have large cooling fans. They need plenty of air flow around them.

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