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Strand 520i


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Hi All


For an upcoming show im using midi control of some projected animations. To hide the light output from the projector in blackouts etc I am using a DMX controlled (from the strand 520i) projector blackout paddle. I am wondering if it is possible to use midi (from csc show control) in order to trigger the opening / closing of the paddle in time with the video clips? Can the midi function of the desk trigger a macro? ie channel @ full (paddle open) and channel @ 00 (paddle closed) or am I barking up the wrong tree ??



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I've never tried using midi but a quick search of the console manual brings up

MIDI Trigger Macro

CommuniquéPro also supports a user definable MIDI trigger facility that can be programmed to

run a macro when a user specified message of up to three bytes is received.

To configure, go to the MIDI window in the Show Setup Screen. In the MIDI Trigger Macro field

enter the number of the macro that is to be triggered. In the MIDI Trigger Bytes field enter the

three trigger byte values [in decimal] you require.

When Macro is OFF or all three bytes are OFF, no triggers occur. When a trigger is received the

specified macro will be executed.

Bytes set to OFF are ignored, so triggers of from 1 to 3 bytes can be used.


Aren't manuals Good Things?

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