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RE: Blocking fire exits


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Ok I know this isn't really related, but it can in a way have something to do with fire exit blocakge.


I watched a doccumentary where they tried to simulate a fire onboard an aircraft, so used an insentive to coax people off, offering the first 50 people off the aircraft £5 each (this was years ago), and people were clambering over seats to get off, 3 people got stuck in an exit, and it took 10 times longer to exit, than it did when they asked the passengers to exit with no insentive (single file and slowly), the risk inside a building is far lower (you dont have 190 tons of jet fuel and 4 75,000 horse power, 8.5ton engines sucking in anything in their path, assuming its a B747), but peoples reaction to a fire would be fairly simmilar.

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Ok I know this isn't really related, but it can in a way have something to do with fire exit blocakge.


I watched a doccumentary where they tried to simulate a fire onboard an aircraft, so used an insentive to coax people off, offering the first 50 people off the aircraft £5 each (this was years ago), and people were clambering over seats to get off, 3 people got stuck in an exit, and it took 10 times longer to exit, than it did when they asked the passengers to exit with no insentive (single file and slowly), the risk inside a building is far lower (you dont have 190 tons of jet fuel and 4 75,000 horse power, 8.5ton engines sucking in anything in their path, assuming its a B747), but peoples reaction to a fire would be fairly simmilar.


Years ago my mother studied at Cranfield University, which is fairly aeronautically focussed, where they had / have a full-scale mock up of a plane for doing just these type of tests... The bruises she came away from the £5 test were really something, she says there were people being trampled underfoot and the like. All for the sake of £5.

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The flip side of this problem is when people don't fight to get out.


I think I may have put on here before about being in a theatre where some builders set off the fire alarm. Wardrobe at that time was on the 3rd and 4th floors with only 1 escape route so I was immediately down those stairs. As I passed the offices on the 2nd floor people were standing about saying 'I didn't know we were having a fire evac test today'. It took over 3 times as long to get everyone out as it did when there was a test that people knew about.

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We have newish hyraulic tired seating at school with a capacity of 250-300 and two isles. We have 3 fire exits. One direct one and two non direct. When I say direct I mean straight into open. However one exit is now obsolete due to having to go past one exit in a narrow gap. The direct exit(for right hand side) can be very tight/hard to get to in show weeks. The Other non direct exit has better acces but a long ish walk to the outside.


When we have 300 people in for a show it does take a good few minutes to clear seating but I still wonder how long it would take in a fire, I think longer than it should as 150 people use each exit and most will have to filter into narrow isles.

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Many local authorities specify that venues MUST be able to be evacuated in 4 minutes or less - some even insist this should be printed on the tickets. Even if your authority does not insist on this, you should definitely aim to achieve that. Always best to bear that in mind when setting up the room.
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  • 4 weeks later...

the thing that always gets me, is people will always go for a familiar exit, no matter what the stewards say/do whatever the evacuation plans say.

I have seen this is a hall with 5 exits, aproximatly 80% or people will use the exit they came in, the remaining 20% split between the other 3 exits.


then therees still the ones that head for the lift!

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