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Space Cannon Easy 2Ks...????


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Hi All,


I have a client who has some of these, I service alot of his kit and we are having problem getting a manual or

any info on these fixtures. So far I have a channel listing and thats it....


Anyone out there who can help me out...I would appreciate it...


SPACE CANNON EASY TOUR 2000, I guess any info on these or similar ie 4Ks,7Ks etc


Many Thanks





Craig Lewis

Moving Light Technology

+44 (0) 7970 494384

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I would suggest a phone call to Essential Lighting. They used to be the UK supplier of these fixtures, even though this is no longer the case they are bound to have someone in the ML dept who worked on them regularly. I remember them to be a notoriously flakey piece of kit and I never saw a manual for them. In my experience they tended to either, power up and reset fine and then be happy forever, or when you tripped them in nothing would happen and no amount of poking could coax them to life onsite.
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I have the easy tour manual here in paper form, its not too informative, what would you like to know?


we also own 12 ireos 4th (which I am responsible for the up-keep of) and are an official stockist (here in spain) so information shouldnt be a problem at least.....

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I have the easy tour manual here in paper form, its not too informative, what would you like to know?


we also own 12 ireos 4th (which I am responsible for the up-keep of) and are an official stockist (here in spain) so information shouldnt be a problem at least.....



Thanks all for the replies,


I am after channel listings with modes if they have different modes and the and other DIP settings / testing/preset modes/programs


As far as I know the client has only found them to power up but nothing more...???


I will give him a call and get back with an update


Cheers everyone





Craig Lewis

Moving Light Technology

+44 (0)7970 494384

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this is because they do not respont untill the lampon channel is set properly on the desk...


with space cannon, 0-25% is "parked"

25-65 is lamp off but all other moving parts are enabled

65-100 lamp on.


channels are:

1 pan

2 pan high-res

3 tilt

4 tilt hight res

5 lamp on/off/ activate

6 dimmer

7 strobe

8 syncro

9 delay

10 speed


in menu the structure works as so..


menu/show select /snum =0 for DMX

"/"/snum1-8, 11-512 OFF

"/"/ snum = 9 focusing operation positioning

"/"/ snum=10 demo



preset shows are:

1-8 parked

9 focusing operation positioning

10 test demo

11-512 off/park




IS this enough for you to go on?or should I type more?? (however it will be monday, My weekend starts 2.30 spanish time!!!!)

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