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City and Guilds

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Hey all

I'm leaving uni in about 6 weeks time (scary thought) and going in to the 'real' world. actually, ive already been there but as a travel agent!!! This time it's a bit scarier! ** laughs out loud **

anyway, I was thinking about doing a city and guilds, particularly if I dont get a job, and keep building up my experience. I'd like to be able to understand loading more comfortably than I do cos at the mo im scared to make a mistake. I have heard there is one that is called entertainment and theatre electrics but they dont seem to do them up north here. does anyone know of anywhere that does or anyone recommend other courses to do?





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You wan't the city and guilds 181 Theatre Electricians course. Have a google and see if you can find anywhere at all near you that offers it. I know that City of Westminister College in London offer it, and may be able to advise you if you need it.


There is also the City & Guilds 236 Electrical course which is not theatre specific but covers all the basics of electrics and electrical installation. This has the advantage of leading into theatre installation and domestic work as well as being very good for tv. I'm currently studying this course by Distance Learning from South Kent College.


HTH, Rob

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