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LS9 Send Master on Custom Layer


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I have recently purchased a Yamaha LS9 32 and I am hoping to learn more about it.

Something I am wondering is that if I select sends on fader while on the custom layer, should the master fader become that send's master fader?

Normally it does when you are on the "CH 1-32" Layer, which is handy as you can cue you send mix easily by cueing the master fader. But not when coming from The custom Layer for some reason.


Thanks for an help.

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I have recently purchased a Yamaha LS9 32 and I am hoping to learn more about it.

Something I am wondering is that if I select sends on fader while on the custom layer, should the master fader become that send's master fader?

Normally it does when you are on the "CH 1-32" Layer, which is handy as you can cue you send mix easily by cueing the master fader. But not when coming from The custom Layer for some reason.


Thanks for an help.


Having just done 40 odd dates with a fair few mixes running off an LS9 my personal preference was to use the 1-32 layer and the master fader as I had a more than 32 inputs/reverb returns and so wanted to have as many channels available to me on one layer as possible and then migrated the less often changed stuff to layer 33-64. As I was running a few in ear sends I was using all the channels in a few mixes so it wasn't like I could 'cherry pick' a few channels for my custom layer.


Saying that, you can use a fader on your custom layer as the master fader, from Wayne at Yamaha regarding master fader modes:


To control the monitor level using the master fader:


In Studio Manager:


Click on the user define selection under the windows Tab

You can now select one of the user define buttons to switch the master fader to a monitor mode, this is done by selecting a button and selecting the master fader option under 'monitor'


On the LS9:


Press the [set-up] button and progress through the menus until the page appears where you can set-up the user define keys.

As above you can select these buttons to turn the master fader into the monitor fader by selecting the 'master fader on' under the monitor section.



The alternative to this is to assign one of the Customer layer faders to monitor.....


In Studio Manager:


Under The Windows menu select 'Custom Fader 'Layer Set-up'. In this window you can select any of the custom faders to be the 'monitor fader'


On the LS9:


This is completed under the set-up menu, press the [set-up] button and progress through the menus until the page appears where you can set-up the custom fader layer. Once this has been

selected a screen will appear where all of the faders on this level can be selected to control any channel and the monitor level.

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Thanks for your reply but that isn't quite what I mean. I have used the LS9 as a monitor desk with the Monitor on Master Fader as one of the user define keys.


Say I'm using the 1-32 layer and Mix 1 is a foldback send on stage. I would go into "sends on fader" mode to adjust that mix for the foldback. The master fader becomes the Mix 1 Master once I have gone into "sends on fader" mode. All I have to do to listen to Mix 1 in the headphones is hit cue on the master fader.


If I go into "sends on fader" from the custom layer to adjust Mix 1, the master fader doesn't become the Mix 1 master for some reason.

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Thanks for your reply but that isn't quite what I mean. I have used the LS9 as a monitor desk with the Monitor on Master Fader as one of the user define keys.


Say I'm using the 1-32 layer and Mix 1 is a foldback send on stage. I would go into "sends on fader" mode to adjust that mix for the foldback. The master fader becomes the Mix 1 Master once I have gone into "sends on fader" mode. All I have to do to listen to Mix 1 in the headphones is hit cue on the master fader.


If I go into "sends on fader" from the custom layer to adjust Mix 1, the master fader doesn't become the Mix 1 master for some reason.


I think you have to set up a fader on the custom fader layer as the "monitor" and my understanding is that this fader should then function in the same way as the master fader does on layer 1-32. Haven't got the desk in front of me to check this is right but it'll take two seconds to see if this works out...

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Indeed you are correct Justin,


We have 2 of the LS9-32 and neither do the "Mix master" on the Master Fader when on custom fader layer in sends on fader mode either... I did think that a bit odd. It's never been a problem as of yet but could see how it'd be an issue if you really did need to use custom fader to make sense of the order of the inputs etc etc


You would have to swich to the "master" layer and hit cue there, But this would then cancle "sends of fader mode" I Believe... so the only option is to use the normal 1-32 and 33-64 layers...


To the other posters too, I believe the OP isn't talking about the "Cue Wedge Level" but being abel to have "Mix 1/2/3/etc's master Level" where the main fader normally is and then being abel to AFL the Mix send that he is currently working on in "sends on fader mode" etc as I understand it? :)


Also it's very cool feature having the CUE level on a User Defined Key, and therefore the master fader etc liking that lots! Makes alot of sense and easily accessible always!


Also...slightly OT but how annoying are the Stereo Channel's Nobs!! Why can't they fade up normally, why do they have to jump! I, because of this, always have to run the custom fader layer channels 29 to 32 as stereo 1, 2, 3 and 4 just so that I can flip to that layer and actually fade in and out Fx, Usb etc!!!, *moan over*.... hehe Fantastic desk though, Couldn't do without them!


Anyway...Hope that helps!


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Thanks for your help Jim and Chris. Looks like it isn't an available function, maybe a future firmware update would enable it. Must say I am still very impressed with the desk.

As for the Stereo Knobs, I have managed to avoid using them so far. One thing I do like doing in Custom Fader mode is selecting a single channel of a linked pair. Then stereo returns from reverbs etc are on one fader.


Also, do you know if it is possible to assign the Monitor/CueWedge level to a fader or knob besides the master fader?

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Also, do you know if it is possible to assign the Monitor/CueWedge level to a fader or knob besides the master fader?


You can yes, it is on the custom fader layer... Jim described how to above. Just used custom fader 32 as "monitor" then it'll be next to the master on the custom layer... Don't think you can do it where your not on the custom layer... but that'd not be much use as when you hit "sends on fader mode" it'd not let you fade it up etc...?


and yup that what I do with the stereo channels, so they only take up 4 faders etc Quite handy





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