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Opinions needed on new lighting equipment.


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Hi all,


We've been hiring for many years and now the committee have decided that we should invest in some of the kit we hire in.

We usually hire 2 Mac 250+ and last panto, 4 scrollers (colour rockets).


So SLX had quoted us for the following gear, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience of the items.


Apollo Smart Color® 7.25 Scroller - MP1 and the associated parts

and the new SLX QMAXZ QS250S


They're going to be used in a small theatre that produces up to 2 musicals a year plus panto.




Many thanks in advance.




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I would also reccomend kave, there kit is v good for hire with reasonable prices for hire and sales.

Check out their website for a catolouge. Please note, I aint anything to do with them if people wonder!

B :-)

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The QMAX are new lights so there isn't much out there about them.


The Apollos seem th be rock solid in terms of construction, I can't comment on reliability as I only hire them 4 times a year and they are always in good nick.



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Never used Apollo scrollers - but we have some Apollo SmartMove rotators, which are excellent products, and the backup from Keith at Apollo was top-notch when we had a problem with one of the units a year or two ago.
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Sorry to ask, are the Apollo scrollers the ones you don't need PSU's for?


No, they still need PSU's, but the Apollo scrollers we use are adressed on the units, rather than on the PSU.

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