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Hi Guys,

I'm in desperate need of some help....


I'm doing a gig tonight and purchased a new Midi keyboard today only to find the drivers were not included and the companies website appears offline this evening...


The MIDI keyboard is a Carillon Control-49 MIDI Keyboard


I require the Windows XP Drivers....


If anyone has these would they be kind enogh to contact me 07852 610790 so I can give you a email address to send them to...or if anyone has a link from which they can be downloaded that'd be great....


Thanks in advance!!



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according to a couple of sites selling that keyboard, it should only need the drivers the come with windows.



Thanks for the reply, windows does recognise the keyboard but only as a USB Audio Device not as a USB Midi Controller..I have searched for Windows updated drivers and checked to ensure all Midi fubctions are enabled through Device Manager.


I have also been told by the retailer that the keyboard will need drivers, (there were not supplied by them as I bought the unit as ex-demo and they had lost the disk !!)


So the long and short of it being I need to track the drivers down somehow...somewhere!!


Any help greatly appreciated...


PS . . For anyone who cares... I manged to make it through the gig on Saturday with a 25 key midi keybaord.....interesting to say the least!!


Thanks Again.....

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