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Martin rig on ebay


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I have just noticed this on ebay and am considering bidding.


it's too much for me to use personally, but would keep half and maybe sell on half. ( If I get it, obviously!)

Any thoughts please?


John Denim.


Something about that listing doesn't seem right. The seller has only sold one thing before, and that wasn't PA kit.


I'm sure I've seen the first photo on another website before, for a surplus radio electronics store that used to be in Leeds.


As you're based in Mansfield, it wouldn't take too long for you to get to Birmingham, so I'd contact the seller and ask if you could pop over and have a look.


Just my 2p worth.


Edit: Found it. M & B Radio in Leeds.




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The rest of the photos look like the boxes are stacked up in someones living room. :D

If they turn out to be 'hot' you could loose your money and the kit.

Proceed with caution

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Chances are if there out of a nightclub that *had* to close down I'd be vary wary, I"ve never heard of night clubs having to close down unless there is some damn good reason imposed by government etc.


So, I'd take it as these could be "hot" as another poster has suggested, Also the website is describing them differently to the ebay listing, However he could have just used that image as a placeholder.


Also if the night club is being closed, where is the rest of the equipment being sold, Presumably there are controllers to go with these speakers, As well as all the other gear, Amp Racks etc


From the above, I'd proceed with serious caution & would visit prior to making any bids, Also bring a friend with you incase you find yourself in a difficult situation.




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Most manufacturers make a budget range, these are pretty much them. They're nice enough boxes, but there's better out there like the blackline stuff and from other manufacturers. Whether it'll come in as cheap who knows.
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doesnt look so dodgy to be honest


if you look on the ebay auction, he links to that same website which appears to be his company (which sells electronic bits and bobs)


hes also charging VAT on this, so youll get a proper VAT receipt


hes got premises, he actually exists, so its not necessarily of the back of a lorry stuff


its the lower end stuff, but still looks like a good deal 4 18" bass cabs and 9 x 10" tops, strange how theres 9 though? Unless one was a monitor! All for £2350


I think you are misunderstanding perhaps why the club closed, often clubs just go bust etc and the Equipment always finds a way of disapearing for cash by the owner

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doesnt look so dodgy to be honest


if you look on the ebay auction, he links to that same website which appears to be his company (which sells electronic bits and bobs)


hes also charging VAT on this, so youll get a proper VAT receipt


hes got premises, he actually exists, so its not necessarily of the back of a lorry stuff


its the lower end stuff, but still looks like a good deal 4 18" bass cabs and 9 x 10" tops, strange how theres 9 though? Unless one was a monitor! All for £2350


I think you are misunderstanding perhaps why the club closed, often clubs just go bust etc and the Equipment always finds a way of disapearing for cash by the owner


I don't think you read the info on that add correctly


It doesn't say vat will be added to the sale and that is now not allowed on ebay and it doesn't say you'll get a vat invoice.


What it does give is examples of the speakers for sale by other companies and their asking price


Ebay now has a policy that insists on disclosure of sellers address if it is a business sale, I looked at the add and at the seller and I didn't see any address


This looks to be a private seller, who says he is selling on behalf of someone else

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9 x 10" tops, strange how theres 9 though? Unless one was a monitor!


If this gear was installed in a club, who knows what kind of strange area they had to cover? It would be relatively feasible, for instance, to have the four subs + 6 tops on the dancefloor, with the other three covering a bar area?


I'd agree that the auction comes across as looking a bit iffy. Sometimes perfectly legitimate sellers make a bad job of writing their listings, and there's nothing more sinister than that. But I'd proceed with caution anyway...

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It all looks kosher to me!


and as has already been said it's CoD so if it isn't exactly what it says on the tin don't part with your hard earned cash!


and as for nightclubs, trust me they regularly just close for no apparent reason and the kit is nearly always spirited away by the owner as it's easy to sell but don't let that put you off, just make sure you get a full receipt for what you buy. the only other thing to bear in mind is alot of night club equipment is hammered to near death so take your time and check that all the drivers etc. work ok.



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It doesn'y specify cash, so you could pay by paypal and have some element of credit card security - personally, I never buy anything on ebay if they don't take paypal. Not foolproof - but to get the paypal account they must at least provide paypal with a level of security to be able to collect the payments.
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I think everyone is reading to much into this ebay post. it all looks Legit to me but TBH if I was gonna part with 1.5k I would be going to see and hear it before I put an offer in. The chances are this is completly legit and people are speculating about whether it is dodgy the seller also accepts paypal so he obviously doesnt wanna screw you over because that would be silly doing through PayPal


Just my 10p worth


John if u buy I may be interested in a couple of cabs depending how much u would want for them.



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