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hog1000 / mac 700 / strange


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I had a trouble I just couldn't explain at all. It was with a hog 1000, first output had 19 mac700 basic, and second output had 10 mac2000 wash + 8 mac600.


Everything ok while programming, every channel is working fine. But all intensity faders (QL fader or grand master) do control both intensity and color saturation, and only for the Mac700s. I talk about the colors created with the CMY channels, not the fixed ones. This means with all fixtures at full, cyan at full, dimming the set would dim the wash normally, and the mac700 see colors and intensity both fading !


I checked the library but couldn't find anything obvious.


Anyone has an idea ?

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I've had this on Hog 2, it's an error in the personality file.

You may also find that Highlight doesn't function properly, you have to go to the Edit Fixtures window and change the set-up.



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