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hi to all,


I have recently been informed that some people are starting to no longer rate Mountview as a good place to train in technical theatre. They say that certain staff can't be any good as they've come out of uni and gone into west end shows and then back to teach at mountview. Is this just a nasty snipe at the teachers or the college and should I listen to it? What do people think about this course as I'm quite interested in the course there. Is it worth it?



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Good for you for not considering that the West End is the be all and end all.


Colours to the mast. I am an ex-Mountview student, I was Wardrobe Supervisor there for many years and I still go back and lecture on the Technical course and I've just had tea with the 2 other ex-Mountview people on the staff where I work.


Having said all that I can not compare it easily with other courses and nor would I want to do so. What I would say is;


* If you are interested go for a look round, meet the staff and decide for your self.

* Like all technical courses you will only get out what you put in, don't coast through where ever you go.

* The staff are generally young (I have a nasty feeling that I am 2nd oldest) and take on outside work, that may be a good or bad thing.


If you have specific questions either post or PM me.

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I am currently a student at Mountview, and can say that it has its pro's and con's like all drama colleges do. With regards to the technical course, I feel you won't get much better as it is a 2 year degree in all aspects of theatre. If you are someone who has experience before coming here it is perfect as it gives you the piece of paper and you are back into the industry in two years. For those without any prior knowledge in theatre it may be a little too fast resulting in some of the rumours you may have heard. As far as reputation in the industry for mountview, I still feel it has a good standing, but on the other hand if you feel you need to rely on mountviews reputation to get a job in the industry then there may be another issue that has to be addressed.


I would second w/robes advice and just come and have a look, and talk to people here and decide for yourself. It is you who will have to spend two or three years, depending where you go, working with those people after all.




PS: Any queswtions just drop me a PM

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I don't feel I need to rely on the college's reputation. I do have experience and I'de love to come and have a look. It sounds right up my street. I was just worried that it was not what I thought it was. I feel it is what I want. Any advice on what to look at? type of person you need to be (not that I'm going to change who I am). What do they look for in a student? how many is there in a year?


Is it worth its money do you feel?




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You have to be self motivated, as there is a lot of stuff that you will skim over so as to not confuse people who have no idea on the subject. I am a lighting person and had quite a bit of experience before hand and found it frustrating at the start as they had to go right back to basics for everyone, but the tutors are quite good at setting personal challenegs to suit your experience. I would say something mountview is good at is getting you networking, which is they key to getting into the industry. As Mountview doesnt own its own theatre, you are often in outside venues meeting and working with freelancers, which will get you work. Mountview has a very high rate of gradtuates going straight into employment. I would really suggest you asking to come and see it and then talking to the tutors and other students too. With regards to is it worth the money.....hmm...I will let you know when I graduate! :D
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Nice one. Thanks a lot will do exactly what you suggest. Im doing my Btec Nat Dip in Production Arts at the minute so hopefully that will work in my favour plus I've done gigs outside college for pro companies (got one tommorow actually). SO what are term times for you then?



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They say that certain staff can't be any good as they've come out of uni and gone into west end shows and then back to teach at mountview.


I've PMed the OP and don't want to get in to a discussion about the relative merits of collage staffing but on this 1 point there are currently only 2 ex-students on the technical staff at Mountview. I'm one of them and I lecture very part time and graduated 20 years ago this year.

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