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Bose 901


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Hiya guys,


I want to buy the " Bose 901® DIRECT/REFLECTING® speaker system" does any one know an authorised dealer that sells these in the (south) London area?

all that comes up on there website is comet, hmv etc which only sell the personal stuff, and google just throws up forums and reviews!





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isnt the 901 a consumer product anyway?



sorry I'm confused how do you mean?



Seems pretty cut 'n' dry to me!

Bose 901

What do you want to use it for if not for a home cinema project Stuart?



John Denim.


a similare use yes? why what would you suggest?

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Its not a suggestion that John is making.


This forum is for profesional, entertainment based queries only, not domestic questions.


There are plenty of forums on home audio equipment out there, that will serve you alot better than we can.



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It's just that most of us here are used to commercial audio rather than consumer audio, For instance the 802 would be commercial equivalent of the 901!!!


For Consumer Audio Queries, I'd check out the guys at avforums.co.uk!!!


Hope this helps,




EDIT:Beaten to it by Rich

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Ok, What exactly are you going to use this for Stuart?


As per Rich and Alan, this system is aimed at the consumer market and doesn't really have much scope for anything else.

BR members will not be able to help much with this, unless you want to join up 50 of these things for some kind of strange experiment!


John Denim.

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As several have pointed out, the Bose 901 is a domestic/home speaker with no application in professional audio/sound reinforcement. As such, this topic is not appropriate for the Blue Room is is being closed. However, I note that Mark has posted a link to a Bose "dealer locator" so that should answer the original question anyway.



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