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Cadacs from the late 60s


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Hi Guys.

This year is Cadac's 40th anniversary, (we're still here while the bank figure a few things out) and so I'm researching the early years for a new Cadac heritage web site. Anyone that has any information or worked in the studios back then I'd appreciate any stories, news, and/or pictures. Basically from the start when Clive was at Olympic studios, through to desks going into Morgan, Olympic, Lansdowne, Scorpio, Trident, Roundhouse, Townhouse, SARM etc. Which engineers recorded which bands/tracks on the desks, where the desks are now (I've found a few, and will try to do a family tree of owners). Obviously I'm talking to Clive and some of the famous tapeops/engineers/producers from that time.

I have a great picture of John Lydon and Tim Friese-Green sitting at the Cadac in Wessex, and I'm sure Chris has some "interesting" stories to tell including recording Parisienne Walkways.

A Cadac is being installed in the newly refurbished Ronnie Lane Mobile as we speak, more news on that to follow, and later this year we'll have a new product range of the classic and heritage mic pre-amps and EQs.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please call or email me.

Many thanks,


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