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Thomann T-Amps in Installs


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Hey guys,

I am looking at installing a background music / pa system in the bar at work and was wondering if anyone here had used them / is using them in installs where they are on pretty much 24/7. I have used them in applications where they are used for shorter periods of time and been impressed with their value for money. With a 3 year warranty they seem like a cost effective choice, I just don't want to have problems with them immediately from them being on all the time. The amplifier room is air conditioned and they will be installed in a permanent rack.



Any thoughts either way?



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I installed two of these into an opticians two years ago. As far as I know, they are not turned off, and live on the top shelf of a small cupboard with little air circulation.

However, within a week of installing one of these, as part of the above install, I had a problem with the transformer overheating. It was quickly swapped with little down time, and as far as I know, still in service. It was installed to aid privacy by piping out gentle music composed by the son of the boss!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally buddy, I wouldnt touch T-bone stuff. I have worked engineering for my friends company and worked in several venues that use t-bone and I know they are highly unreliable!!! All of his T-bone amps do not work anymore. I wouldnt mess around mate, just go for the reliable stuff thats my opinoin :rolleyes:



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..... and to counter that, I have a pile of these, as we've covered in other topics on the same subject. I have had not a single failure on kit that rarely gets any dust removed, and has been abused load wise for quite a while. For the record, I am talking TA2500, 1500 and 400 models.


In another topic you will also find detailed comment on the internal construction, the shortcuts made by the manufacturer to bring them in at the price.



As the kit also has a 3 year guarantee, why would somebody have all this kit tha doesn't work any more? If one goes wrong, you send it back - for them all to go wrong seems unusual and so easily rectifiable.


I think if you enter the amps in the search box and just look through the forum contents, you will find lots more comment - not all good, of course, but plenty to set your mind at rest.


I would have no qualms whatsoever at buying more - and will almost certainly do so next time I need some more.

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